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Posts posted by BuckeyeROC

  1. Is this for Ohio or for all states? Some places just seem too hot to open up in 2 weeks (NYC for one).


    I was on the phone this morning with one of our manufacturing plants in Virginia and they said their governor is looking at keeping the "Stay At Home" order until August. Good fucking luck with that... :eek:


    CDC and FEMA are national organizations giving guidance. But I believe most of these types of actual decisions are State/local based.

  2. I saw someone share a news story from a non-accredited outlet that Chris Fowler said College Football won't happen this fall. I didn't share that because I looked around and couldn't see it on any real websites so take that for what it's worth.


    Then you have stuff like this




    There is no official decision, but again, I can't imagine they will let THAT many people get together in a few months. OSU ticket office/Athletic Dept. is having major discussions.

  3. I received the draft of the CDC/FEMA plan. They call for a phasing in approach starting May 1 and having most areas and things open with precautions in place by June. However, with "hot spots" still shelter in place as needed. Some say it's too optimistic, but I hope it's about right.
  4. being in the entertainment industry we are seeing some pretty alarming things coming.


    I do think by the fall they will allow smaller gatherings (concerts/shows for less than 2500 cap or so I think). But I would be surprised if they allow arena tours to go out. I have 1 arena tour that was scheduled for April-May that got moved to Late Sept-early Nov. Im worried that one wont go on. That alone is 10's of millions in lost revenue for 1 single business.


    Keeping my fingers crossed though..


    I feel for you. OSU football alone would be around a $62 million loss just from home game ticket sales. That supports the rest of the Athletic Dept. there.

  5. Not sure if I should be really giving my opinion on this because of 2 reasons, 1. I have an auto-immune disease so I feel that people should keep their ass in their home and 2. I have a job that allows me to work from home so I'm not feeling the economic pinch yet. But I'm having a hard time understand why people are all bitching about their jobs because they are to be getting the stimulus check that is more than my mortgage and utility costs AND getting unemployment so from an outside prospective it feels like people just want to complain but again, I'm not quite in that situation since I can work from home and I'm extremely high risk of dying if I catch it. I think we've been doing a DECENT at best job at staying at home as the few times that I have ventured out for the grocery store or something necessary I've seen WAY too many people out and about. Can anyone that has a different prospective chime in and help me understand the other side of the coin. My thoughts, Stimulus check of 4 people in a family is over 3k plus unemployment and if it's 12 bucks an hour that check will be just shy of 2k before taxes so that's 5k in a month, how are people not able to live off of that?



    I completely understand what they want to do by flattening the curve to buy time to prepare for the peak and work on possible treatments. And I agree with a lot of what they are doing to slow the spread. Also, as a small business owner, I believe I have a decent understanding of the economic impact and concerns of many people and hope you can understand the economic concerns that some may have.


    Due to the nature of our service business, the quarantine has brought our company's income down to almost zero. Not only do I have concerns for my ability to take care of my family and pay my bills, but I also have legitimate concerns for every single one of our people trying to provide for their families. It's my job to find them work, and it's almost impossible to do that right now. Since this has hit, we've tried going into different markets, tried offering our services to "essential" businesses, etc. We are also experimenting with how to conduct our business in completely different ways. For anything even close to what we normally do, there is NO WORK right now. NONE.


    We have no idea how long this will last. Given the nature of our business, even after the "all clear" is given (whenever that is), it might still be several months or longer until we can start doing our work again.


    Also, this is a business that has taken us over 20 years to build from nothing to get to the point we were before COVID hit. We have over 20 years of personal and financial sacrifices, blood, sweat, and tears to turn it into something that can provide for the dozens of our workers' families. Again, we are a small service business. Thankfully, we have saved up our own reserves and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is in place. I can tell you the PPP alone would not be enough for our business to survive for the length that this will impact us. We are fortunate to have money saved up. We'll be able to provide 100% of our people's salaries for months to come, even without PPP. Again, the biggest thing is we do not know WHEN our specific industry will be able to start up again. We will definitely take longer than most.


    Also, as far as unemployment and things like the PPP, we WILL have to pay that all back as tax payers at some point. It's much needed at this point and will keep many people afloat and prevent some possibly much bigger social issues that might occur when millions of people are actually starving and such. But we will be paying that back as tax payers later on, which will also impact the economy down the road.


    Again, I'm not on anyone's "side" here. The fact is that both the medical and economic concerns are very real and very valid. This pandemic could have been much worse, I'm glad precautions were taken. Also, at some point, we are going to have to phase more people back into the work force. The global economy will be severely impacted by this and there will be a ripple effect into almost every corner of the global economy. Some businesses and jobs WILL be lost. The longer this goes on, the more businesses and jobs will be lost. At some point, the decisions made WILL be a balancing act between the economy, jobs, businesses, and lives. It's just the hand we've been dealt as a society and the people in charge will have to make those tough choices at some point.

  6. I had to have a bunch of stuff happen like extensive dental surgery which kind of slowed me down, my wife had a minor surgery but a long recovery, I was dealing with Wendy's layoffs (I was a contractor at Wendys and we all got laid off out of nowhere), we got a new puppy, and switching jobs, and I can't lie on top of all that I've been dragging ass a little in there too. I haven't had a lot of downtime during the quarantine, being an IT professional. I am working pretty much constantly right now helping keep everyone else working from home running, and I have been spending the rest of my free time studying for my Amazon Web Services certifications.


    Good news is that I have two weeks of furlough coming up, one next week and one at the end of May. I plan to try and balance those weeks with spending most of the time doing AWS classes and maybe even taking one of the exams, as well as working on the Porsche. I have to also fit time in there to be a decent husband and spend time with my wife as well lol.


    I did start working on the garage again last weekend. I bought 2 sets of wheel dollies a few months back and just now got around to assembling them and putting them under the Porsche. When Sean and I moved the Porsche to my house, it was backed in, which really sucked because most of the light in my garage is on the opposite side where my tool boxes are. I got it turned around and took a picture. Sorry about the crap on top of it, but there was no where else for it in the garage. Its actually all cleaned up now but I haven't taken another picture since then.


    TLDR- I'm gonna make progress again soon, I swear :lol:






    Good deal man. Yeah, life happens sometimes.

  7. Basement remediation is big money. Take a look at the outside of the area and see if there are any issues. ie: grade, downspouts, clogged gutters, failed building materials. Sometimes a lot can be done to slow the water.


    If it's ground water coming up/in, (crazy amount of rain in the last year), you may have to have a sump pump installed, or install exterior drainage.

    You may be able to save money with a general contractor over one of these basement remodeling companies.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


    This. Do the easy/cheap stuff on your own first, then see what happens. If you have a company come over to look, they WILL try to sell you their high dollar fixes, whether you actually need that level of remediation or not.

  8. Cliffs from press conference:


    1. Shelter in place order extended to May 1st.

    2. Require retail establishments to limit the number of people in store at one time.

    3. Anyone coming into Ohio asked to quarantine for 14 days, unless normally work just across the border.

    4. No regulation on weddings/funerals. Left up to good judgement. The reception though MUST follow rule of not more than 10 people coming together.

    5. Public campgrounds and swimming pools closed.

    6. Organized sports prohibited.

    7. Stay far apart when fishing.

    8. State parks will stay open unless people come into contact with each other, then the Director can close or "take action".

    9. Law enforcement is "confronting" businesses that should be closed to the public.

    10. Homeland Security has issued an Addendum about online businesses. Look up if needed.

    11. Single person can come and perform your lawn care, if needed.

    12. Foreclosures on commercial properties: Did NOT say that you don't have to pay mortgage or rent. There IS a 90 day pause on foreclosures. Need to work out with financial institution or landlord.

    13. Added over 468k people to unemployment in the past 2 weeks, just in Ohio. Unemployment agency will add up to 1,000 additional staff. Expanded hours open.

    14. Mass unemployment # for Ohio unemployment application due to COVID-19: 2000180

    15. Ohio is setting up a website to find essential jobs that are hiring during this crisis.

  9. Sad to see. I used to get a lot of car mags and especially liked GM High Tech Performance and Car Craft. But I admit that I got away from them, too, as instant gratification came more and more on the internet. I've been on various car forums since the mid to late 90's, also.
  10. 1) LSU

    2) OSU

    3) Clemson

    4) Oklahoma


    LOL. Trash.


    We blew it in the first half yesterday, no doubt. I just hope that game woke these guys back up. It's been a bit sloppy since Rutgers, despite some big wins. I hope they learned they still have to work and fight for it. I also hope they start executing more consistently again.

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