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Posts posted by BuckeyeROC

  1. While cruising around yesterday I almost got hit by two separate Karens fucking around on their phones. One ran a red light and another slowly veered over into my lane. I got the fuck out of the city and headed back up North. Columbus is a shitshow.


    Sounds like it's back to normal. Not even the "new normal".

  2. Did some stuff over the past few months. Swapped out the shitass Rachos for Bilstein 4600's on the Silvy. They're a noticeably better ride, but it was still kind of wiggly so I swapped out the 45k-mile Duratracs with Nitto Ridge Grapplers. For A/T's, they behave really well on pavement and have almost zero road noise. Also swapped out all four brakes/rotors with Centric stuff.











    Installed a 2SS gauge pod in the Camaro and she's getting window tint in a couple days.





    Nicely done NB.

  3. I should have been more clear - I dont tune into the news more than maybe 1-2 times a week at the most. There isnt anything new. Opinions on what MSM is pushing wont change based off whats being pushed as the new crisis within this crisis. Thats where I find the fatigue.


    My personal feelings around this also have to do with me being an extrovert. I have began to loath zoom and conf calls. I have always preferred to conduct business in person. With that not being an option currently, its effected me enough to be somewhat worn out/frustrated the whole situation.


    I agree with the extrovert thing. From most of the various things I've seen, the way people are handling this is linked a lot to being an extrovert vs introvert. I think you are feeling what some introverts felt about the old "normal". My youngest is a big extrovert and definitely had the toughest time adjusting to this.

  4. Mine is based around the whole damn situation. My life has been completely fucked up over this whole deal, my profession is having the life choked out of it like a chick with a daddy kink and self-esteem issues.


    This is the flip side. I sincerely feel for you. There would have many many years that this would have completely devastated our business.

  5. That's the key....have to see the silver lining. This sucks balls in general but there's also some upside to sticking around the house and doing shit YOU want to do for a bit. I have 3-4 projects going at all times and almost all of them are things I've been wanting to get to for quite some time but put them off because other stuff had to be done.


    Yeah, it's been great in this way. A zoom call with out of town relatives, a family gathering on the deck, a walk outdoors, etc are now things there is time to do, to look forward to and to actually appreciate. Before it was just hurry up and get shit done to the point everything lost its value and meaning. Another birthday party? I didn't really have the time. Soccer games that eat up an entire weekend again? An all day track meet to watch my kid run for 30 seconds? Fuck that noise.

  6. anyone else having serious mental fatigue over this yet?


    Nope. I'd love for our business to get back into the full swing of things, but the peacefulness of not having to spend almost every spare minute running around and going to kids' events has been amazing for me and my family's mental fatigue from "normal" daily life. It is so nice being able to take our time and enjoy doing something now without having to rush through it to get to what had become just another thing we had to do on our list.

  7. They did open up unemployment to include the self employed this time around unless that's an Ohio thing. Also the PPP and SBA loans are out there. I'm in process of getting my own approved and can advise him if you need help. My wife is also a banker and busy as hell getting these done for people right now.


    This. He should be eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program, which is a loan that can turn into a grant that covers 2-2.5 months pay plus certain expenses like business rent or mortgage interest, utilities, e.t.c. They've been flooded with applications and might be running to the limit of the first round of funds, but I would absolutely encourage him to apply. I think they will approve more funds at some point. This program may keep many small businesses and business people afloat.

  8. then the carrier would be personally liable for damages if norwalk did not know in advance they were. If a facility has a sign that says no firearms allowed on property and an employee goes on a shooting rampage, then the company is not liable. The same could be said for sam's club, costo, wal-mart etc. I don't see much protesting pushing to keep them closed.


    No rona zone signs. Violators will be shot on sight.



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