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Posts posted by BuckeyeROC

  1. I used to get REALLY into cfb. I have to admit, each year I get less and less interested in it. However, it is also the last sport I even bother to watch anymore, I've stopped watching all other sports. I barely care this year. Here are some of the reasons why:


    ESPN and some of the media

    For ESPN, it all started when ESPN and the BIG had a falling out in negotiations and the BIG decided to start their own network with Fox. From that day forward, ESPN coverage of the BIG drastically changed. Now ESPN bashes everyone outside of the SEC (and now ACC) constantly, funny they have the SEC and ACC networks, huh?


    I met and talked to Herbie back in the late 90's, seemed like a great dude. But he has changed. Seems like an a-hole on TV now.


    Mixing politics with sports. If I wanted to watch political BS, I would turn on the endless number of political news outlets, I don't want that shit with my sports.


    Speaking of politics, Urban Meyer getting thrown under the bus last year by some media douche AND the OSU Board of Trustees was disgusting to watch. That's not to take any blame off Zach Smith, but wow was it a way overblown circus.


    I used to frequent 11 Warriors forums A LOT. Then they broke their own Golden Rule and wrote an article about politics and let it ride. Screw them.


    The SEC, NCAA, and Nick Saban

    Saban was the absolute definition of an average coach forever. Then all of a sudden moving to the SEC and cheating like a MFer he's the greatest coach of all time. Yeah right. His friendship with the NCAA President has paid off more than Biff in Back to to the Future going back in time and betting using the Sports Almanac.


    Funny how so many teams and top programs outside of the SEC have been hit by the NCAA during the SEC and Bama's run? USC at its peak, OSU with freaking discount tattoos, Texas, etc. Meanwhile, teams in the SEC get away with murder and literally buying recruits, and their athletes not attending classes. The double standard is ridiculous. The NCAA is the most hypocritical and BS organization outside of Washington, DC.




    Anyway, the product on the field is still fun to watch, unlike the boring NFL. But man, it's just getting tougher for me to care with all the extra noise.

  2. OSU - Definitely made some improvements. Looking good.


    Michigan - LOL! Why are they ranked so high again? 30% chance to win conference championsip vs 13% for OSU? What the fuck are people smoking?


    Maryland - WTF did this team come from? I'd love to see them play TTUN next week.


    Agreed. Bucks looked good against a decent Cincy team.


    TTUN sucks


    Maryland hasn't gotten the credit it deserves recently IMHO. They are quietly a very solid team. I laughed when the ESPN dorks picked Syracuse today.

  3. So her B-day gift was a symbolic one as much as a replacement of a part that bothered me. I got her a new stock leather wrapped steering wheel to symbolize handing the car over to her and just wanting her to properly "feel" the car as she drives. The old wheel was torn up and had a cheap Wal-Mart wrap on it.



  4. They closed that Winking Lizard - Bethel location down. Would be happy to join for drinks after kiddos go to bed. Gallo's on Bethel (next to MicroCenter) is a good dinner spot but I'll let you crazy kids pick a location. :)


    Gallo 12 or 24? ;)

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