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Everything posted by BuckeyeROC

  1. Wow, VERY nice! Should be a lot of fun.
  2. I have no idea on the actual or perceived demand for EV. I do know that most of the public has absolutely no clue how an ICE, EV, or any other kind of vehicle works. Currently, most put gas in, start it up, then they can BARELY work up the attention span to make it to where they are going.
  3. Wow. Well, as someone who has traveled the country the past 20+ years for work, from the largest cities to the most rural areas, if living in high population density areas and taking public transit is the answer, kill me now. And I say that with all sincerity. I've learned that high population density areas are NOT for me and the complete opposite of where I want to live my life.
  4. Interesting, 1 in 5 EV owners in Cali going back to ICE: http://www.businessinsider.com/electric-car-owners-switching-gas-charging-a-hassle-study-2021-4
  5. Very nice, Clay. Thanks for all your hard work in making this happen. And thanks to Byers and Lindsay.
  6. Anyone else want anything? The rest is getting pitched soon.
  7. Pics updated with what is left, all chairs are gone, though.
  8. Brand new, still in box, Magnaflow # 14151 stainless steel muffler Race Series Muffler Inlet: 3.50" Outlet: 3.50" Position: Center/Center Body Shape: Oval (5" x 8") Body Length: 14" Core Size: 3.50" Overall Length: 20" https://www.jegs.com/i/Magnaflow/642/14151/10002/-1?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIluvl15Kz7wIVA_nICh3-qgr6EAQYAyABEgJIgfD_BwE $173 at Jegs, CR Price: $100.
  9. 2 different computer monitors for sale. 1. Samsung Syncmaster 2494 24" LCD Monitor. Works perfectly, in good condition. No dead pixels. Comes with power cord. Left over from our office, used little. VGA and DVI inputs. CR Price $55 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1052&pictureid=9662 2. Acer G235H 23" LCD Monitor, includes power cord. In great shape, works perfect. No dead pixels. Left over from our office, used little. DVI and VGA inputs. CR Price $50 http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=1052&pictureid=9663
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