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Everything posted by Casper

  1. OR is my go to pooping reading material. Lots of shitty crap to read.
  2. And by the way, TTL's are requests. Nobody is required to oblige. For instance, many ISPs ignore TTL settings and refresh every 12-24 hours. For the record, I have ours set as low as possible. I believe 30 seconds but I'd have to check.
  3. It is a nameserver change. From Cloudflare's managed nameservers back to my registrar's. Damn Windows goons think they're real IT folk.
  4. For reference, I used just the tail bag and a tank bag for the trip out west.
  5. It could take a day for the DNS to propagate.
  6. From last year to this year I'm down 60lbs. 225 to 165. Figured I'd join in on the conversation. I'm starting running. I need to work on my cardio.
  7. https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/gallery/category/2-events/ These are public "albums" anyone can upload to. Right now I only have the 2014-16 Deals Gap events listed. I'll add more, and if you have an event in particular you want me to add let me know. If you have pictures from these events you want to share, just add them. Future events will have an album tied to them for you to share you pics.
  8. Local folks will know this place as Barley's. FYI.
  9. I had the same bags. Sold the saddlebags a few years back and kept the tail bag. Loved the setup.
  10. Same here. Never seen any errors. If the errors persist for a few days after disabling Cloudflare, I have no idea.
  11. For the record, I've disabled Cloudflare. It'll take a bit for the DNS records to propagate. I had someone else message me on Facebook about an SSL error they're receiving when trying to visit the site. I think Cloudflare may be having intermittent issues. Go figure.
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