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Everything posted by Casper

  1. http://www.drakulastream.eu/motor-sports-live-streaming-video.html FYI. Of course, if any of the feeds ask you to install something, don't do it.
  2. No sir. That was hilarious. Shoot me your address and what size shirt you wear.
  3. You were the first person to be online after the site came back up. Loser.
  4. Casper

    Good News thread:

    This guy is a genius.
  5. Google: kevin marino starboyz madman cycles
  6. Casper

    Good News thread:

    Yeah, I wouldn't tell us either.
  7. Just a heads up. The site will be up and down a few times this week. Probably in the evenings. Hopefully only one evening, but anyone in IT knows how that goes.
  8. A) Unless something drastic has changed in the past few years, they do expire. They change color each year. B) $75 per quarter? Someone robbed you dude. Source: I worked there for like six years.
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/131254783941
  10. Casper

    Deals Gap 2015

    Yup. Baby/dog/house sitter already lined up.
  11. Casper

    Deals Gap 2015

    I thought about trying that. Don't think I'd survive.
  12. A buddy and I were just talking about this last night. I had plans to ride to Alaska and back. Wife got pregnant instead. Now that little man is three, I'm revisiting the idea. Probably going to attempt it next summer.
  13. It's a toxin released by the algae. Same reason several of the lakes in Ohio have swimming advisories right now.
  14. Damn. Wished I'd seen this sooner.
  15. http://www.toledonewsnow.com/story/26178506/breaking-urgent-notice
  16. Many (especially the large inner city and suburban) districts have plenty of funding. That's the point. They simply don't spend it well. I've contracted for several local school districts over the years. The amount of waste is incredible. The entire education system needs an overhaul. For the record, I'm an advocate of one state level school system broken into regions. Equal funding per child. Vouchers for anyone. No more rich vs poor public school divisions. Every child in public education should have an equal opportunity to learn. The savings of having consolidated HR, IT, accounting, etc would be mind boggling. And furthermore, school taxes should not be based on home values. It would be a flat tax or other variant.
  17. Sure, but they aren't CEOs of huge profitable corporations. They're heads of underperforming (on a global scale) public institutions.
  18. Imagine this point of view instead: The average public school superintendent makes $225,000 - $275,000. The average high school football team has 53 players on the roster. If the pay-to-play fee is $500, that's $26,500. If the schools REALLY cared about the sports and the kids, I think they could find places to pull it from. But hey, why make concessions and spend your budget wisely when you can just guilt the public into passing levies and continue making your fat salary? What happened to the days of the football team, band, choir, etc doing fundraisers to pay for their program? We sold wreaths around Christmas, mulch in the spring, and did car washes in the summer. The community willingly gave these programs money. I don't know how it is in most places, but I haven't seem this in years.
  19. I talked to the EBR guy at Mid Ohio. They're very excited to have Larry as a dealer. I need to swing in there and chat with Larry.
  20. I do not. I used to do contract work for them many years ago, but that's my only connection.
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