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Everything posted by Casper

  1. You're like an evil SEO genius.
  2. It would allow is to continue posting in it, in turn pissing you off even more.
  3. I'm going to end up waking my kid up.
  4. Welcome aboard. Check out 35 Motorsports.
  5. Oh shit. One more time and he's going to come out of your mirror!!!
  6. Oh noes. You said the name of thou who shall not be named.
  7. Oh shit, I damn near woke mini me I laughed so hard.
  8. Oh geez, I'd forgotten about that thread.
  9. It's ok. Minus the shit about my wife, I actually find half the shit you post funny.
  10. Better to call animal control. Would suck if it's some endangered species or something and you kill it. Just my two cents.
  11. It hasn't been 1.5yrs since your last post.
  12. And each were bannable, but we always let it go.
  13. Hasn't happened. Several posts talking about doing it. One about running someone off the track or into a wall. One about hoping "Jricks knocks someone the fuck out again". One about finding OR members out and about. Et cetera. It's all quite pointless. If you and your members are willing to fight because I won't let you be a sponsor, that's just sad and depressing. I'd bet the vast majority over there are cool people who think this drama is as stupid as I do. Only a small portion seem to be on this drama llama, fueled by you. This thread was also started and fueled by you. I thought we had this squashed via PMs at the beginning. PS: There's a lot of talk about how you're innocent and being bullied. Holy crap that made me laugh out loud. They must not be aware of your past drunk posts which inevitably were followed up the next day with "sorry I was drunk it won't happen again".
  14. I'm not angry. As far as I know, I have said no wrongs. I've made everything very clear, even posted the messages I sent you. I have made no personal attacks towards you, your site, or your members. I tried to keep my opinions of you between you and I. You decided to beat the dead horse. Nobody here has said anything about bumping riders into a wall, showing up at your events to start shit, etc. Nobody here has attacked your girlfriend (thought you were married). I feel embarrassed for you.
  15. My opinion has not changed. If someone here had personally attacked Brandon's wife they would have immediately received an infraction for it. Going after someone's family is simply uncalled for, even in the world of e-battles as lame as this one.
  16. How many here have called your wife names?
  17. I have not attacked the junkies. They have attacked me, this site, this site's members, and my wife directly. That, I do not appreciate.
  18. When this thread started I advised you to move this to PMs and promptly sent you PM. I do apologize for not getting back to you prior.
  19. You just like the way I shake when the guardrails disappear.
  20. Oohh. My bad. They person who sent me that snippet must have misread. Sorry.
  21. I have zero phone calls and zero texts from you about it. I do have FB messages from you, however. Those I never got around to replying to, which I apologized for. As for here, it was actually discussed in the mods/admins section a few times. I believe you had spoken to a mod about advertising, and they raised the question. Honestly, which I told you before, I was waiting to see if this AFJ vs OR crap was really over or not. Good thing I waited, right?
  22. I may be mistaken, but I believe you recently made a comment on your site about me being mad because you passed me years ago.
  23. I thought you'd like that quad comment.
  24. Your site has everything to do with your shop. The way your loyal followers have acted and you allowing it to continue is a direct representation of you, your shop, and your character. PS: I've never ridden with you. How did you pass me? Only seen you on the road once. I was in hocking. You and a few others were stopped on a side road. I waved. Didn't even know it was you until something was posting about seeing another group. I'll be the first to tell you I'm slow. I have a good time on the bike. I like to see new things and enjoy the scenery. I get passed a lot. I'm even slower on a quad.
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