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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Holy shit. Side note, the top comment had me dying: "this is one of the most hipster things i've ever heard. my headphones just grew a mustache and fedora"
  2. Shamelessly stolen from @Cdubyah's wife on Facebook: What is the first BIG news story you were aware of as a kid? For me it was the Challenger explosion.
  3. So far all of them have been. You need to enroll in each course to watch the videos, but enrolling is free. I already finished Track – Body Position 1, and started Track – Body Position 2.
  4. I mean, it's from the Cars movie so...........
  5. That's amazing. Thanks for the update.
  6. It was probably all those vacations that made it heal faster.
  7. Any confirmation yet?
  8. Wow. Hopefully it's true. That's amazing if so.
  9. Biggest motorcycle show in the country. First year in Ohio. Where the hell have you been?
  10. Nope, but trying for karaoke...
  11. September 23-24, 2017 $2 off with code OHRiders17 online: https://secure.interactiveticketing.com/1.16/277553/#/select Some sort of after party is being worked on for Saturday night.
  12. Casper

    I own rep.

    Or a CSV transmitted over FTP. No joke.
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