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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I hate Ohio more and more every year.
  2. I think I found it! Someone renamed it to "Ben's Ranting".
  3. I was trying to find the original post on CR, but I can't find it.
  4. Wow. That's a blast from CR's past. I think I wrote that post like 11 or 12 years ago.
  5. Casper

    Tough 9 Days

    If she's on FMLA, that's a helluva lawsuit.
  6. Casper

    Tough 9 Days

    Well that's just shitty.
  7. Best canceled ride I've ever been on. 20-30 people will be going on the Gap trip in a couple weeks.
  8. I think we can wrap this up, boys. It doesn't getting any worse than this. Tip your fedora, Tonik.
  9. Don't remember knowing your dad. Never seen your sister. Just know it twists your panties. PS: Be careful calling people pedophiles. That shit's not even close to funny, and will quickly get you banned.
  10. How's your sister doing?
  11. That's a great point. I never had signal with ATT down in Hocking. I rarely don't have signal with Verizon.
  12. We were with them for a long time. Switched to Verizon because of bad customer service. Been much happier with Verizon.
  13. I'm definitely game for camping. I didn't think they allowed camping at the track though? Where are you all camping?
  14. That's really cool. Where did you get it from?
  15. Damn dude. You're on a roll today. But it wasn't last year. That's not quite an accurate description of the chain of events. It was on the battery tender, and I rode it around here several times after the first sign of a battery issue. I thought it was fine. Got down there, and it started right up several times. Rode to the gas station. Fueled up. Wouldn't start.
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