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Everything posted by Casper

  1. I have two. They're old. They work. Free. ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/networking/nswww/neteam/998pg/d275a02.pdf
  2. Put your money where your mouth (fingers?) is (are).
  3. I did a software upgrade. The search index, misc counters, etc are rebuilding. Might be wacky for a bit. It'll be back to normal soon though so don't worry.
  4. Well that sucks. Glad everyone is ok though.
  5. Giving the cop a high five had me dying.
  6. Paging @magley64. Please correct the record.
  7. I've always heard you're not crazy for talking to yourself, but when you start to answer yourself...
  8. As for who pays the 20%, idiots. Think about it. Are you really going to pay 20% more for something made in Mexico? No, you're just not going to buy it. Hence the crippling of Mexico's economy.
  9. That article was published at 3:45pm... ?
  10. I think the general idea here is that a 20% import tax would pretty much stop any manufacturing there for importing to the US. It would destroy Mexico's economy. I don't think the tax is to pay for the wall, but to convince Mexico to pay for it so that 20% tax will go away. It sounds a bit like extortion to me, but what do I know.
  11. "Import tax" http://thehill.com/policy/finance/316361-trump-wants-mexican-import-tax-to-fund-wall
  12. I don't sleep. True story. We were down there for the Women's Sportbike Rally thing with Pauly and his life partner. Bad and I said something along the lines of, "hey, we should do this every year". And thus began the annual OR Gap trip.
  13. I know because I read it on "ohioriders".
  14. Laying pipe in Amish country. Giggity.
  15. I've trailed to Myrtle Beach (my wedding) and to the Gap. I've also ridden to both of those places. So....
  16. Casper

    New member

    Ever ride it at night? That's fun/terrifying.
  17. http://www.advpulse.com/adv-prepping/motorcycle-accident-cause/
  18. Awh. I bet your wife loves her new car.
  19. So we can compromise with saying F-body. Deal?
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