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Everything posted by Casper

  1. John was a good dude. Wish he was still around.
  2. Just a reminder that @Tonik secretly likes me.
  3. I need some new reading material that isn't tech manuals. What's your favorite book?
  4. All of the mainstream news outlets have had this document since at least like November or December. Nobody published it because nobody can verify it. BuzzFeed said fuck this, true or not we're publishing it. Mainstream media said oh ok we will too then.
  5. I watched his press conference today. You can read more about it on Reuters. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN14V18L Unless of course that's fake news too...
  6. San Diego Supercross Saturday, January 14th Meeting up around 9:30-10:00PM. Come hang out, eat some food, and watch some racing. Buffalo Wild Wings 807 Polaris Parkway Westerville, OH 43082
  7. Didn't Trump say today during his press conference that it was, "disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out"? I believe that's when he compared it to Nazi Germany's propaganda. I don't think that's a sign of appreciation towards the intelligence community. Not my fake news. Somebody is two-faced and/or lying. I can't wait to watch this season of House of Cards.
  8. @SAMBUSA and @Fonzie we're entertaining.
  9. You already got the gubment stole my baby thing going on, so might as well.
  10. You start smoking crack? I, along with every other single person on this forum, have no idea what is true or not. I think that's the point.
  11. You can link any news site out there. I also linked the exact document in question.
  12. The "post on 4chan" link goes to https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5n8yd9/when_you_never_verify_anything_because_youre_fake/. I wouldn't say /r/t_d is a reliable source. Do you have a link to the original fan fiction?
  13. @Hoblick Do you happen to have the part numbers for the mounts and bar? ProTaper EVO Fat bars ProTaper mounts
  14. http://www.hoagysheroes.org/ If you don't know this guy, you're missing out.
  15. https://www.drivetribe.com/p/SyDgAG2uRnC1aOpy5ore_A/LwSyanf2Tx6Hu7aJDqUm7Q
  16. Full document: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/donald-trump-intelligence-report-russia/index.html
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