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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. I have some sweet land in Florida to sell you, can I tell you about it?
  2. I love how the trolls have to come in any iPhone thread and say dumb shit, Charles starts a thread saying he has an issue with his S3 and not one iPhone user posted in the thread anything negative. Compensate much? Need to prove something? LOL Jimmies are rustled just by any of us buying an iPhone. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107498
  3. I was outside all day on Saturday and it was cold as hell and rainy and windy so no, the phone was very cold. I think the high up there was maybe 50. LOL
  4. And work your butt off in rehab, that shit works. I had rehab almost every day for 4 months between my DESTROYED wrist, blown ACL, and my broken Ankle. I am normal now with a bit of pain in my wrist every now and then. I have a plate in there and arthritis is getting worse, I may have to see Dr. Cook for a clean out and cortisone shot. Fucker drove a M3 before my accident now has a brand new R8. He at least owes me a ride in that thing.....
  5. Just be honest and make sure you tell him everything you want to be able to do after. He was awesome for me, and listened, mention me and my road rash, that is how he remembers me, my father in law was in there last week and he said yep I remember Ben, man he had some bad road rash. Maybe he'll cut me a discount if I need any work done.
  6. Meh sounds like you just need a knee replacement now.....
  7. Well that was taken before the 4th quarter this weekend. LOL
  8. Fuckin' guy is always flyin' low through the neighborhood.
  9. Damn! LTE is supposed to be live here before the end of the year. A rep said maybe in November. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/23/deguneju.jpg Anyone have a Verizon iPhone5 on LTE here? Post up a speed test. I'm curious.
  10. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/10/23/sy2agunu.jpg
  11. Whatever Italian courts are riddled with corruption, look at the Foxy Knox trial of the American Chic that eventually was found not guilty after being found guilty. I bet nothing comes of this as it states nothing happens until the appeals process is over. Now they will have the boy who cried wolf syndrome because they will make everyone evacuate every time someone farts after Spaghetti and meatballs. And then everyone will start ignoring, then 1000s will be killed one day. Fucking brilliant.
  12. Kirk gave me some advise before my surgery, told you he knows his shit! He should since that is what he does for a living. (ortho) In my case it's easy to blow an ACL ejecting from a motorcycle at 80MPH on 71s. Thanks again CR for helping that night and the recovery...
  13. Mine was done by Dr. Scott Van Steyn at the Ohio Orthopedic Center of Excellence.
  14. My knee is fine now, I play sports, am virtually pain free and don't even think about it when I am active. I followed my rehab exactly how I was told down to my home routine and exercises.
  15. I elected to do the patellar graft from my own tendon. It was my own tissue, so better chance of it lasting. Recovery is longer when you do that. A cadaver tendon graft is less trauma to the knee, so recovery is faster but you body could reject it and run more of a risk of doing it again in 5 years or so. Do your rehab, every bit of it, they know what they are doing and they will get you into better shape. My therapist was part of the Indianapolis Colts staff for a few years. You should start rehab within a couple days of your surgery, first couple of times it hurts like hell. They are trained to hurt you, let them, be a man, it's only working if it hurts. Working on full range of motion sux. I was taken to rehab twice, had crutches, Those went away after the first couple sessions and I drove to my rehab the second week. (Left ACL and I had the STi which only comes in a 6speed) If you want to talk, pm me, I'll give you my number and answer any questions the best I can.
  16. Yep, after the motorcycle accident. Kirk can give you all the info in the world on it. What are you "expecting"?
  17. Super easy with content aware fill in PSCS5 or 6
  18. Hayley's Comet needs to leave more debris.
  19. I saw 1, that's all I needed to see.
  20. You too eh? What is this shit going around?
  21. The Almanac doesn't know shit, it called for one of the worst winters for snow for us last year, we got spring in February. :dumb: The forecast I saw for us is normal temps and average snowfall. More snow to fall on the east coast. The plains and west is to have above normal temps.
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