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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Damn Chris that is some scary shit. Glad everything turned out for the better. I'm guessing you guys still feel a little scared. I would.
  2. Said today on his iPhone App that someone sent him a Bengal jersey from Japan with the name "Hachi Go" on the back. The note said he has many fans in Japan. He likes it and says this will be his name next year.
  3. Dude, it's his alma matter, it's Notre Dame.... That's like you saying you wouldn't change jobs right now to be the CEO of Microsoft.
  4. Oh and Marc, can someone explain it's not cool to hold the ball for 5-6 seconds in the NFL every time you throw? I'm sick of hearing "that's just the way I play." Getting sacked like 4 times in the first quarter isn't helping the sorry ass Steelers. Christ, even the Lions beat Cleveland. I mean fuck, someone tell that moron that timing routes are important to the tempo of the game! Tomlin needs to bench Ben to send a message to him to quit holding the fucking ball, it's not cool anymore, throw that shit away if everyone is covered especially if there are 30MPH winds you are trying to throw into. 8 sacks in a single game is unforgivable, he is horrible for this team right now. His teammates should be pissed. And I don't want to hear it is the o-line's at fault, no O-line can give 6 seconds and two pump fakes every play to throw the ball and be successful at it. That loss is square on the shoulders of Boner Ben. Get the rock out of your hand.
  5. Fuck you Mendenhall! How can you not gain 100 yards on Cleveland? Or score once? I'm pissed, now I am going to lose in the first week of our playoffs. Jones-Drew sucks dick ever since that cock biter kneeled at the 1 and didn't score on purpose. Then apologized to his FF owners and has yet to make up for it. Fucker had 4 carries in a row from the 1 last week and got stuffed like the fag he is. My team was second in points for the season. Now my team will just take a shit at the worst time.
  6. Way to copy the listing, yep it's gone, this thread sux now.
  7. A guy the next street over from me has one, he takes it out every now and then. Didn't know they were that rare, I see one every week in the summer.
  8. Not like she isn't just as hot though.
  9. I'll still watch golf when he plays. I don't get why you would stop watching or following this guy because he cheats on his wife? That's his business. My business is winning the golf pool at work.
  10. Those pics are not Elin. We have covered this.
  11. Brady Quinn is that good. http://gallery.me.com/bbotte/100023/Screen%20shot%202009-12-10%20at%209.16.07%20PM/web.png
  12. I have some "focus" in the house, I drink it all the time.
  13. I'm sitting ward, Too windy. I hope Mendenhall goes for 200 and 3 scores. I almost want to start Parker too in a W/R spot.
  14. Ward is playing! I was thinking How was he gonna sit out when he just called Big Ben out for sitting?
  15. Go to Asian Gourmet, the bonus there is Rahal might have his 599 GTB, ZO6, Lambo, or whatever bad ass car he is driving that day in the lot.
  16. Being it's Cleveland and Pittsburgh will WOW pay so we can see it. I can understand not paying for the others. This game has a lot of their fans as customers. Joe is it a no? I may go out to watch if WOW is not showing it. Cleveland has found some offense and Pittsburgh has been slacking and needs to win bad. I think this will be a good game. I have Mendenhall tonight, I have Ward but I guess he is sitting because of his hami. I also have J. Harrison, I kinda want to play him. What do you Browns and Steelers fans think?
  17. Truthfully I eat the $6 stuff from Kroger too. I think it's decent. I usually eat the spicy tuna and salmon.
  18. I am glad I did't get that, kinda proud in fact that I forgot about that mess.
  19. SpaceGhost

    Snow or No?

    No Snow for you! http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ba_m_ltcWV-IUM:http://cooknkate.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/sein_soup_nazi.jpg
  20. You are like my neighbor, I mowed my lawn last weekend and bagged my clippings and of course it picked up all my leaves. Now the leaves from her yard are in mine. That, I am Mad about. Shame on you Tim.
  21. Yes because I already have taken it apart and put it back together once, and replaced a few parts. I would say that it is still in one piece speaks pretty good for me. I just know I don't need to go around questioning others intelect. Way to point something out like a five year old does when he sees you do something you as a parent, have told them not to do. You may consider yourself a supreme intelect, but my two year old is more mature than you.
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