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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. well it DID hit the curb, wasnt just a slide.
  2. i'll be up both days, although no camping since i live 30 min. away
  3. i raced there this weekend in the wet and thought it was fine. i was runnin about 30 sec. off my dry times which was the fastest time in my class... rite up until i pitched it. the track is very safe compared to some of the other ones we race on.
  4. just got word last nite that i have an all access crew hot pass waiting for me at registration so i'll be there saturday and sunday, just give me a jingle 740 504 9100
  5. been there on a cruise. i prefer the cruises over normal vacations, but that's just me
  6. Well everyone, the week started out great for me. Showed up at mid-o wednesday night and got teched and registration done. Thursday came practice. The only other time i was up there was in may when i ran 1.45.26 best. Well i was right there in my very first practice thurs. morning. Come 2nd practice i got REAL comfy and pushed the envelope to a 1.42.90 lap. Now this was cookin! We tried some new gearing and i played with that for the final two sessions of the day, only getting down to 1.43.08's twice. We switched back to the old gearing and prepared for friday. Friday morning had 2 more practices on some cold pavement. I made some suspension changes and tried them for both practices. I really didnt like it so back to the original setup. Come saturday the weather turns. We got one practice in the rain where i ran a 2.10.xx lap on my third lap. Good! I thought, i'm really likin the rain. No one was close to my times in my practice and tons of bikes went down. Come the race... Due to the weather and time my race was shortened from 8 to 4 laps, no biggie i thought, just get out front and survive for 4 laps. Well, easier said than done. I got a great start as usual and went into turn 1 in first. I caught expert riders very quickly and made some good passes. Make it through lap 1...good...still in the lead. track is REALLY wet and it's raining pretty good, but i havent even spun the rear yet, time to have fun. I turned it up a lil and got the rear to slide around some, started really hangin off and tryin to keep the bike as upright as possible. Come around to complete lap 2, look back and i've got about 10-15 bike lead(ask pops, he'll know for sure). I made a pass on the back straight and moved into 3rd overall, 1st novice. I start to brake, grab a downshift and brake again... then it happens... front end locks and tucks at about 120! down i go and i slide....and slide...and slide. Finally hit the grass and stop. I got up and went to my bike, I reached down to pick it up and BAM, another bike sliding hits me in the legs and i go flyin. The corner worker said the bike was goin atleast 65-70mph when it hit me... all i could think was i broke my leg. Anyway, they haul me off and i head to the hospital. After a long long night going through level 2 trauma everything comes back negative. back is fine, head is fine, legs are fine, i'm good to go. Got back to the track at 1am and hit the bed. Got up to find the bike isnt rideable. it needs a new rearset and rear brake line. Ended up watchin and cheerin on my buddies to their own National titles. Oh and the guy who won the race i crashed out of ended up only runnin a 1.43.9 best in today's races... I would've gotten 2 nat'l titles and one 4th place! oh well, live and learn. Thanks goes out to pops for stickin around and helpin work on my bike. It was very nice to meet him and talk about the racing stuff. Hope to see clutch out on a bike very soon!
  7. i almost transferred there from osu, but now i have much better plans... no school involved :twisted:
  8. yep, i live right in Centerburg. i'm actually heading up to mid-ohio tomorrow afternoon. gonna be up there til sunday night
  9. That's very cool. I would love to see more women competing with the men in the AMA. I was very pleased to meet and watch Jessica Zalusky this year at Mid Ohio. from what i've heard jessica has quite an ego. Rhiannon almost beat her this year at Miller Motorsports Park on a much less prepared bike. she was down atleast 15hp. but we just might see the two of them duking it out together next year, which would be AWESOME!
  10. sounds great! glad to hear he kept it up in the rain. that place is very tricky in the wet. can't wait to see him out there next year. i plan on runnin some fast trax stuff if i can fit it into the schedule. gotta get used to those blasted 600 inlines...
  11. thanks guys, i'll be bustin my ass all weekend to try and bring home the national titles to go with my regional ones. just look for my blue SV with yellow plates #852. we'll have a Dolphin motorhome and white trailer and possibly some food! i think pops has my #.
  12. sounds great, wish i could make it to kickstands, but i'm gonna skip on going to michigan to ride the dunes and head to the cookout!
  13. i have a very good friend of mine who is currently living here in columbus. she is a expert 600 racer who is quite fast and may be gettin her AMA license this fall. her name is Rhiannon Lucente of onefastgirl.com she's currently trying to get her website updated, it's pretty old. she will be with racing along with me at mid-ohio this weekend.
  14. all my pix are of me riding, basically oh oh, that makes me a poser, and the photos wouldnt be of me
  15. um... ME LIKEY!! gotta love a girl who rides on the track!
  16. Well, this week I traveled to Nashville, TN for round #8 of the WERA North Central roadracing series. This week was a combined North Central, Southeastern, and Mid-Atlantic venue. I was a little worried about how I would do going down South and taking on the southern fast guys on their own track. Turns out I am a lil farther ahead of the game than I initially thought. Saturday practice involved me learning the track which included a NASCAR tri-oval banked straightaway, a 3rd to 5th gear full lean sweeper, and a VERY tight infield section. The track was rather slick and my shagged tires made it a handful, but in just 8 or 9 laps I was already running in the 1:12's. For the 20 lap solo race I got a good start and pulled the holeshot. Once out front I put in some good laps, running in the 11's in the first 3 laps, before being overtaken by Kris Turner, a young 125gp rider who is representing out country in Europe next year. This kid is FAST, he pulled away and his buddy Miles Thornton came by as well. I held onto 3rd position until around lap 12 where I just couldn't handle the lack of traction and decided to back off the pace to keep from crashing, afterall, it's only a solo race. I ended up in 6th place at the end of the mini-endurance. I was mentally and physically exhausted from the extremely technical 1.6 mile circuit. On Sunday we changed my gearing,slapped on some new Pirelli tires, and filled the tank with VP race fuel. Right off the bat I got into the 1:10's before pulling in. 2nd practice saw me nearly see the 1:09's before I cut practice short to save my tires. First race of the day was LWT Twins SS. I got a not-so-good start and went into turn 1 in 3rd. After turn 3 I was up into 2nd and hot on the heals of the leader, who I would soon pass. However, after making a few mistakes I was passed back. I was setting up to make my move and take the lead before a red flag ended the race. My opportunity was cut short and I took home second, as well as clicking off a 1:09.3 laptime. My next race was HWT Twins SS. This race i got a great start and held onto the lead. I was passed by Jose Rodriguez on the tri-oval but would retake the lead in the turn 3 hairpin. I held on and lengthened my lead when on the 9th of 10 laps a rider on an Aprilia Mille 1000 passed both of us on the tri-oval...gotta love the SV650's lack of power compared to a liter bike. I was much faster throught the infield section, but just couldn't quite make a pass. The Mille rider took the victory by .605 of a second. I once again got a 2nd place. This race saw me in the high 1:08's. Come my third and final race I was ready to go all out. Formula 2 saw a return of the GP riders. I got the holeshot and led for a couple laps before young Mr. Turner passed me on his 125. I tried to keep up with him, but his cornerspeed was insane on the little bike. Sadly, he highsided in turn 2 which gave me the lead once again. With lead in hand I put my head down and slid the rear of the bike through every corner and was backing it into turn 2 on the brakes. on the 2nd to last lap I caught a lapped rider and in an attempt to pass quickly, I nearly highsided in the second chicane saving it only to see the other gp rider go by on the outside. I recollected myself and wreeled Miles in, but with only 1 lap left just couldn't do it. I took my third 2nd place of the weekend and thus clinched all three North Central Regional championships in Formula 2 Novice,HWT Twins SS Novice, and LWT Twins SS Novice. Next week is the AMA Sports Road Race Grand Championships held at Mid-Ohio Roadcourse in Lexington, OH. This is the equivalent of the Loretta Lynn's championship races held for motocross. I am very confident in my ability to bring home a national title or maybe even more than one. For more information on the RRGC at Mid-ohio check out www.midohio.com
  17. yes everyone my baby blue is now up for sale. The bike will be available after my last race on Sunday at mid-ohio. This bike won the 2005 WERA NC championship in Formula 2 expert with the previous owner Shawn Alexander aboard it. This year in my first season i won the WERA NC championship in Formula 2, HWT Twins SS, and LWT Twins SS novice classes. This bike is bulletproof! It has: Racetech .95 springs Woodcraft clip-ons Blue Kevlar brake lines F/R Vortex rearsets Black stock wheels Silver stock wheels w/rains Penske twin-clicker rear shock 3 Vortex rear sprockets in black(44,45,46) two front sprockets(15,16) full M4 exhaust w/Ti midpipe powercommander usb mapped for U4 Hotbodies bodywork tons of spares that i'm forgetting some take offs available as well 4500 obo
  18. Well this weekend I clinched my 2006 WERA North Central Region championships in all 3 classes in which i compete. I will be getting the number one plate in HWT Twins SS Nov., LWT Twins SS Nov., and Formula 2 novice. this is my first year roadracing and has been a great one. i accomplished every single goal that i set and will be a licensed Expert rider in 2007, which was my #1 goal. Next year's #1 goal will be earning my 2008 AMA Pro Racing Roadrace license.
  19. haha, yea i saw that the other day, freakin love it
  20. hell yea! have a blast in vegas, can't wait til i go there.
  21. zx14, the Goldwing of sportbikes...
  22. got some more shots up on my myspace. www.myspace.com/owndjoo
  23. cookout this sunday?! hmm... i'll have to see if there's time
  24. yea, i personally like it better backwards, other than that hill that you fly off of if you dont make T10b(T1 backward).
  25. just got back from Grattan,MI from another WERA event. great weekend and we were flying around the course BACKWARD. anyway, great photographer showed up sat/sun and snapped some shots. just got some from sat. cant wait for the ones from sunday. right click/view image for a clear shot. many more to come!
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