they have TONS of old jap bike parts. tons. if you have a jap bike that is like 93 or older, they may have a part for it. they dont have anything really cataloged though. everything is just in bins of similar parts. couple bin full of turn signals, bins full of master cylinders, bins full of handlebars/clip ons, bins full of carb parts etc etc etc. best bet is to bring your old part in with you so you can match it up. ive heard people say that sometimes the guys working in there can be dicks or act like you are wasting their time. personally, ive never had a problem and ive been in there a bunch of times. i did have some special order parts and work done there before, and i can tell you, dont be in a hurry lol. i needed a brake caliper, they had it at their other yard. took like 3 weeks to get it. i wasnt really pressed though, since it was for a project. didnt need it right away. go stop in and take a look around its definitely worth a visit.