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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. In sane times, traitors were dealt with with time behind bars or a firing squad. In this current version of life, we trade away 5 top enemy terrorists (that we now know can travel ANYwhere they want in 1 year or less), for one traitor, whose family promises to stay anti-American. I'll buy a beer for anyone that comes close to explaining this to me. http://twitchy.com/2014/06/03/michelle-malkin-bowe-bergdahls-rescue-a-snub-to-at-least-8-dead-american-soldiers/
  2. Wooden grips or black rubber (the comments on Bud's site show some come with rubber). Thanks
  3. Have before, more than a couple times. At this point in my life, nope. Have time to mess with issues? Go for it. The "truly" issue-free salvaged car is hard to come by.
  4. Despite what you see on TV, less seasoning often works out better. And, a little wood goes a looooong way.
  5. Most of CR is only capable of drawing a stick figure with tits or a penis. If you're happy... carry on.
  6. Part/Model #? There are SO MANY variants of these that you should post pics or #'s. And, the scope is probably MOST important to serious buyers.
  7. As with other posts in the For Sale sections, please list your price, whether it is per hour, per job, whatever the case may be. Thanks
  8. I would think the expensive gas prices would keep them behind their desks???
  9. ~500 and it should be lifetime.
  10. Well, after all these years of getting lucky with sticking to quality names, I think I have to have my Ruger SR22 repaired. It routinely fails to fire double action. Only fires if you cock it first. Can you guys share your experiences with sending in firearms for repair? Did it go smooth? Duration? PITA?
  11. Cabelas also has the new Winchester "W" in 147, but they haven't had the best of reviews. Also 16.99 I think.
  12. How did it taste? Fried or grilled?
  13. If his account isn't a fake trolling attempt (which I hope it is), and anyone on CR actually hangs out with this idiot (which I hope not), please do yourself a huge favor and disassociate yourselves with this thug? metero? American Idol wannabe? confused Jersey shore kid? emo (is that still used)? ... whatever he is.
  14. Hi. My name is Vince, and I've been a smoker for 6 months now. I'm saddened that I withheld this goodness from myself and my family for 37 years. But, this past 1/2 year has been awesome.
  15. Dust-proof condom holding (3 pack) belt holster.
  16. In 20+ dealer buys, I've never had a dealer offer this... but sounds like a great idea.
  17. Since high, drunk, inbred people have means to travel anywhere, I protect myself similarly.
  18. Oh, I hate how these cards are misused. Every time I watch someone buy their cases of Mt. Dew and mega-bags of chips with a .gov card, my skin crawls. We're paying for some to get fat and unhealthy. We're paying for their houses so they have a place to sit around and eat the food we bought them. Then, we pay for their medical bills once they've spent a lifetime "living" like this. Take the cards away. Have a distribution system providing true essentials: bread, canned fruits and veggies, toiletries, etc. I worked at the food bank yesterday packing essentials for elderly. I liked it because money wasn't being spent on soda and chips. Needy folks will get healthy useful supplies. Helping your fellow man was never meant to be paying for every single thing a person needs from birth until death. Maybe require some small amount of community service in return for feeding off the system? Ohio has more people receiving welfare than people paying into it. http://michaelsnyder.mensnewsdaily.com/2012/12/the-number-of-people-on-welfare-exceeds-the-number-of-people-with-jobs-in-11-states/
  19. Best of luck keeping it off, man!
  20. Bump for WTB small caliber revolver. PS - You're looking at about $150 to buy it outright. And in full disclosure (Google will tell you... it is PICKY on ammo). -Vince
  21. Those that aren't familiar with what the OP is looking for ought to Youtube it...
  22. That's about the best mail order prices I've seen in a long time. Checked out their 380, 45, and 9 prices, and all were good.
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