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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I disagree. I see no "torture" inflected by the State. A couple gasps for air? A flinch or two?
  2. I think the death penalty would be a little more deterring if the average time from sentencing to follow through was measured in weeks or months instead of decades, don't ya think? I wish those inmates spending three decades on death row were at least forced to do something positive for society while being clothed, entertained and fed on my dime. Mandatory food bank service, labor for local community projects, SOMEthing.
  3. Meh, I can't edit the previous post... I looked up the actual langauge and I see it does say driver or passenger in a vehicle. Although it doesn't mention remaining there. Some gun forums were arguing you could exit your vehicle. Oh well. Glad this guy wasn't charged.
  4. This isn't true, although it seems a lot of people believe it to be. The law doesn't state that you can't exit your vehicle. It states you must be in the process of dropping off or picking up your child and you can't enter the building. Part of me dropping off my child may very well be opening the trunk, exiting the car and handing my child his backpack.
  5. Link? I have a serious reason for wanting to know, not just questioning you.
  6. You're right. These F&F wannabe, ignorant-looking idiots (no matter how hard they want to strut down the sidewalks) invoke exactly 0% fear into me. What, exactly, are we supposed to be afraid of, or impressed by? Is the "man's" hairdo going to poke me in the eye? Are his "boys'" sissy bars going to startle me when they drive by and make me drop my beverage? What is it - exactly - that would make you post this and think that any part of that video is worthy of an "I dare you"? I wouldn't call their rides gay. I'd call them ugly and silly.
  7. Wait, he's not REALLY Russian? I'll be darned.
  8. back and making new vids as of 7 hours ago.
  9. I am proud to say I have zero idea as to what anime bullshit was going on in that cute little video.
  10. I for one am not "hoarding" .22lr. I have maybe 4.5 - 5 bricks worth built back up, and 3 people at my house old enough to shoot it, soon to be 4. That's only a few trips out in the back yard or out to the farm on a nice day.
  11. Ha, nice. The programmer in me assumed their system was better than that...
  12. I've had hit and miss luck at local Walmarts on .22. I found .22 for 6.99 per 100 on Cabelas.com last week and had a few people order the LIMIT of ONE. I picked up some 22 shorts from Buckeye last week as well, 6 or 7 bucks / 100. I gave up on Midway, and by reading online reviews, a lot of folks have. Cabelas (online) has really been the best for me recently. 9mm, 380, 243 and .22. This has all been brass cased. 380 was 16 bucks a box, no limit and free shipping to my door (I think that promo ended, but always free to the store shipping). I think .243 was $16 also / per 20 .?.? Walmart.com ... forgot about this one. You can create an account, search for the ammo you want, and then do a search for stores near you that have it in stock. Some .22s have store info blocked, but hint, hint, hit up Youtube for 22 ammo "hacks"...
  13. Newark Walmart has a bunch of .45 (yes, cheap Tulammo) in their case for $15 / 50... By far the cheapest I've grabbed in a while. Also had $15 9mm and even had some 22. Edit: Just to have this at the top. Pretty good sight to follow for ammo deals http://www.gunbot.net/ammo/rimfire/22lr/ http://www.slickguns.com/category/ammohttp://www.wikiarms.com/ http://www.wikiarms.com/http://www.wikiarms.com/
  14. Not much detail. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/three-game-suspension-sidelines-ohio-160849270--ncaaf.html;_ylt=A0oG7hiIRsRSogUAkTFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBscWN2ZnBjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkAw--
  15. My tip depends on whether the place charges a delivery fee. If I am already paying a $2.50-$3.00 "fee", forget about a big tip. I've never tipped $5 for a freaking pizza. Tough to believe so many in this thread have either.
  16. Amateur. White elephant exchanges are supposed to be crap or near-free items, usually something laying around someone's home. Edit. Ha, I see everyone else already busted your balls adequately.
  17. Large food smoker. Old school ice cream maker. Various boozes, hot sauces, and gun trinkets.
  18. Better than most the feel-good shit commercials on TV now.
  19. Special corner of Hell reserved for him. BTW. First clue... rolled douchebag jeans.
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