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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Saturday, early shift, please.
  2. Are you wearing dress shoes?
  3. Guns scoring Major meet a power factor of 165 (bullet weight x velocity/1000) and guns scoring Minor are in between 125 and 165.
  4. No, I didn't. Basement was (I thought) rock solid prior to the remodel.
  5. Sump area is completely dry; it came in/from something else.
  6. Nope. Can't tell where it came from yet. Carpet and pad are toast. I'm hoping to salvage boards and bottoms of drywall.
  7. So, the basement we just finished last August is "flooded". No water above carpet, but all carpet is swamped. Happened between noon and now. Need good advise on what steps to take now to cover my ass, help with insurance shit, yadda, etc. Ugh.
  8. Fakearoo. No thief is going to slowly walk away looking down at his newly acquired stolen phone.
  9. No where near 1-2 quarts. I always do mine running. The clips are ok, but even better is something like the pic posted above, or like I did, which was just cut holes above every valve. If you want to borrow mine, I can try and dig it out.
  10. An innocent man is free. That, my friend, is the victory.
  11. If you feel $750 for a pair of shoes is what is "needed" to do an IT job... then, have a nice day.
  12. Zero.zero dollars. You have obviously chosen to pick an E-battle with someone you once again have no knowledge about. No one in the Columbus business world needs to spend the cash people are suggesting in this thread to do business.
  13. That's an over-used, over-played quote from the 90's.
  14. Are you comparing working out with spending a stupid amount on clothing? Really? PM me with whatever debate it is that you feel the need to engage me in.
  15. You don't need shoes > $150. You don't need pants > $75. 15 years into this corporate game now, and I laugh at people dressing like they're in a NYC penthouse, here in CMH.
  16. My Z06 was 32mpg (if you could manage keeping your foot out of the gas).
  17. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/SnowSportPlow/DSCN4912.jpg http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/SnowSportPlow/DSCN3907.jpg
  18. Does my wife want it? It's free with her 2 year renewal... but IT'S 3g... What are her <better> options?
  19. Walmart had a normal sized cheapy one for $29 last night. Probably can't beat that.
  20. If I did the math right, mine are 546mm wide, and they handle like BALLOONS! Serious post, btw. Especially on a light car (or truck bed), you're spreading the weight over a wide footprint, adding lubrication (h20)... things can get iffy fast.
  21. Assuming they're not all moldy or anything crazy, I would love to have them. I'm stocking the book shelves of my man-cave / gun room, and these would be just about perfect.
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