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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Please throw away your party affiliation and politics. This is an AWESOME organization that I'm helping next weekend. Tri-Village Church in Pataskala... http://www.ohioflagsofhonor.org/
  2. http://columbus.craigslist.org/search/cto?query=box+-s10+-van+-ranger&zoomToPosting=&minAsk=&maxAsk=&autoMinYear=&autoMaxYear=&hasPic=1&srchType=T
  3. Problem with the Left is they want things that sound super uber awesome in their little wishful thinking silos... until reality kicks in. Like the next things in their cross-hairs... immigration reform and universal daycare.
  4. You'd have thought I just told my wife they opened a new chocolate and jewelry store...
  5. Greg is the typical liberal, Brian. He knows everything there is to know about situations, especially when he has never had to experience it. Review his CR post history for more examples.
  6. No, folks. He wasn't misleading. He was saying in a humorous way that the A/C is not intact and/or not working. EDIT -see now you were the OP. Ha. Young'ins...
  7. It is legal to shoot the dog to protect you or your family. It is not legal to shoot a dog to protect your dog.
  8. http://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/winchester-model-1300-parts/U245310470
  9. Chain > gear. I had my 3 year love affair with gears. Then, I learned better. Chain will keep your engine in better time. I don't know about 40hp, but yes, it is true.
  10. http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/tight-yoga-pants-11.jpg
  11. Ok, so the link was to Fox. Would it make you feel better if I had linked MSNBC or CNN? The story isn't fake or made it. Google it if you want. Guess where lead comes from? From powder form, from the ground. Thousands and thousands of lead bullets laying across the state isn't dangerous to anyone's health. Please, also research that. Now, let's look into how to replace millions of batteries out there because they have evil lead in them. Many, many, many times more lead than every bullet in the country. Let's get real. Why would Cali want to ban the cheapest form of ammunition?
  12. Clay, our indoor cat recently became an outdoor cat because she got jealous of the baby and peed on her toys. She's fixed, had all shots, is around 1.5 years old, and is declawed. Gets along great with kids and dogs. She's an impressive mouser for no front claws. If you go this route, maybe we can work something out.
  13. Something I came across tonight (Glock, not S&W)
  14. nurkvinny

    I <3 Cali.

  15. I know that shit can move to some other area code.
  16. The above brothers got a new friend. http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/DSCN8254_zps37aa7345.jpg
  17. Where is she? The good news is they're simple. Is she driving it much?
  18. One thing's for sure - you didn't go nearly 600 miles on a tank in an 07 Ram.
  19. The Odometer reads from the same thing as the speedo - the ring gear. But, (without thinking too much about it), you're probably only off 5% or so if those are not the original tire OD. Any chance the truck had much different sized tires before you had it, and the previous owner had it calibrated?
  20. Nice white engine bay. Horrible color, especially with the interior and hideous wheels. Would not pay 12 g's.
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