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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Rolla's Place Rolla McCandlis 5541 Westerville Rd. Unit F Westerville, Ohio 43081 Phone: (614) 496-4969 "ridenred27" is the screen name. EDIT - holy shit, 2 replies while I pasted his info.
  2. http://www.albeedigital.com/supercoupe/articles/0-60times.html
  3. Jason said it. You aim for the largest target. The chest cavity. 110% justified.
  4. I feel your pain over and over again. I turned wrenches for 9 years at dad's shop. I can not count on every CR member's fingers and toes combined how many dealership ripoff stories we heard. I still have copied documents showing a lifetime waterpump replaced 3 out of 5 contiguous years. The waterpump was $79 dollars. All 3 times. The woman was charged for a flush tee EVERY time. Those of you who know what a tee is will find that humerous. Another older woman was charged for calipers, rotors, lines, and hardware kits 3 years in a row when she went to the dealership for her spring 'check-up'. She drove less than 3,000 miles a year. I can't believe the stories I hear from people in Columbus... "Yeah, I got front brakes put on. Wasn't too bad. Just under $400." That is only an example. There are way too many honest, small shops around to continue to be raped at MOST dealerships. And before you reply with your, "but, but some dealers are honest"... save it. My family has been in the business, from most angles, for 60 years.
  5. 2000 sq/ft @ 68 deg. + 2000 sq/ft basement @ 64 deg. $235 up from $48.
  6. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ZEZEtheX/Boards/doctor.jpg ... http://static.flickr.com/24/56733884_8a9876603c.jpg
  7. Quick story... I leave earlier than usual for work this morning to support a code install, make it to a stop at the light at 16 & 310, look back, and see a driver-less Hyundai rolling up behind me. It is getting closer as I see a kid's head barely visable above his dashboard. I think, "man, it looks like he is not going to stop." I start moving forward to get out of the idiot's way. BAM! SOB rear ends me. A head pops up. Kid looks very surprised and scared; maybe 18 or 19. I yell into my rearview, "you stupid cock-sucking piece...". We pull over to the right. I expect the worst. "Nice way to start your fucking day, eh kid?" Besides making a reverse "Pittsbu" impression in the road grime from his Steelers plate frame, there is a single, thumbnail-sized scratch inside my plate 'box' that's formed into the rear bumper cover. That's it. The paper work and bullshit wasn't worth going through on an 8 year old, 115,000 GTP. I said, "yeah, um, so I'm going to work." Worst result was a pididdle on the kid's Hyundai. Guys at work thought I should have turned it into a free bumper paint job, which is when I really felt old thinking to myself, "I was stupid once too". I hope he learned and avoided a shitstorm from his folks.
  8. Now THAT is what a woman should look like! ...up until the last scene
  9. I've been meaning to ask... is your . key broken or missing?
  10. Another plus is it passes our work filters. Good site.
  11. Completed in 1 hour @ Indian Mound Mall. Printing out final Charles Penzone certificates now. Total time devoted to Christmas shopping - 90 minutes.
  12. Anyone else see the 100+ person line at the Heavenly Ham store by Mr Geeros today?
  13. The FOUR I have been through went like this... Flash light in cab "Where you heading?" "Where you coming from?" "Anything to drink tonight?" "Thanks. Be careful" EXCEPT for one where I had 2 Bud Lights at Red Lobster 2 hours before. I told him I had 2 bottles at dinner, he said, "cool, thank you for your patience, enjoy your night."
  14. I want to have my cowl hood painted (after 6 years of looking at primer). I was going to put the stocker back on, but for some reason, it won't clear now. I show the truck as often as it is raced, so I am not looking for the cheapest job possible. The rest of the truck is still near-mint 1985 factory black, so I'm looking to match the rest of the paint. Where locally have you had great results? Thanks Vince
  15. ... around midnight. I hate crowds with a passion. I'm a late-night person. Late AppleBees happy hour + early morning in-and-out shopping > Black Friday.
  16. Nope, but I sold a winning ticket to a friend at work. It was on a 50 caliber day.
  17. Did I send you a link to a photo of it, at least? Sorry if I didn't. I have all the paperwork to the raffle locked in my work office desk. I will look and see if your ticket is in there. I promise the important part with your name WAS turned in on time thanks to a special hour-each-way drive by my wife. I will update you tomorrow afternoon when I get home (I can't access CR from work). Vince
  18. It is maroonish-red. Looks nowhere close to purple in person, IMO. And that is just a sample pic. His has the same wheels, 4 door, etc. Tanish interior. I'm not involved in the dealing, but a $3000 offer was just turned down.
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