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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. A friend is interesting in pics and your contact info. He is not on CR. His e-mail - cemmons5@columbus.rr.com
  2. Free bump and a comment about the passlock that may help you and/or future owner. Go to Radio Shack; buy electronics contact cleaner. Spray small squirt into keyhole. Run key in and out of hole, wiping dirt off of key on a clean towel each time. Repeat a few times. This fixed my wife's GM, and prevented buying a $300+ part.
  3. After that, I am no longer scared to click on any link the intraweb has to offer.
  4. Try - 1. Hold it to the floor. Completely to the floor. 2. Let off. 3. Start truck. If that does not work. Pump gas twice. Start truck.
  5. Please post pics soon... an ex-boss just asked about FS vans today.
  6. Very, very sweet. Edit - Oh, and you can tow your own damn car this time. :grin2:
  7. FYI, I had a 1000 business cards made up for a business in 2001... design, printing, the whole shabang was only $50. Have you called around to some local printshops?
  8. I am searching the web for ya, not much coming up in the searches. You have a space heater or anything?
  9. I have had nothing but trouble with TW customer service and billing. Speed has been very good so far, with a 1/2 day exception one tme.
  10. NWS - http://search.askjolene.com/search?qr=Alba&aid=3&pq=&mgc=&sort=date&media=
  11. Nope. Got my issue yesterday in the mail.
  12. Yes, she is. This is the only Jessica pic - DO NOT POST THIS ANYWHERE ELSE. http://www.nurkvinny.com/images/CR/scanJA.jpg
  13. She is not nude in the issue... sorry.
  14. I have known my bike since new (bought it from a great friend on here, 'bbboti', who bought it with 0 miles), and I can say it has zero issues during light turning, or any other turning . He is a big guy; I am ~180. Neither of us ever had an issue riding solo or with a passenger. As far as adjustability, I can't imagine what you would want to change about the handling. 'True' crotch rocket owners never like to hear that the 919 has a better feel while leaning than their 'track' bikes. I didn't understand either, until I rode the 919 for the first time. I will PM price, miles, etc. Thanks.
  15. As a 919 owner, I will tell you a person can ride all day comfortably. A corbin seat would be a great help, also. The 919 turns easier than most crotch rockets. Wheelies are no problem if you're into that; change out the sprocket, and they become very easy. And, as mentioned by someone above, I have one for sale - http://nurkvinny.com/2002_919.htm
  16. I went through a phase of wanting new hobbies recently, too. Shooting pool and reading are a couple I have picked back up recently.
  17. http://autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?car_id=192979906&dealer_id=57233199&car_year=1999&search_type=both&make=CHEV&model=CAM&distance=75&address=43230&certified=&advanced=&bkms=1139531975466&max_price=&min_price=&first_record=51&end_year=2002&start_year=1998&isp=y&pager.offset=50&lang=en&cardist=71
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