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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. Oh what the fuck. I got my laser pointed at you. You know who you are. LOL
  2. Boats in the water in 2 weeks. No matter what!
  3. They are either covered in dust or are that color. But either way nice rim once cleaned up.
  4. Saw these on craigslist thought someone might be able to pick them up... http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/680530147.html
  5. I totally agree with this. Amy however traded her Avalanche last year though, that she owned outright, and bought a jetta. Saving her 150 a month.
  6. They are pretty thick... Dont get too carryed away in it after a heavy rain though.
  7. they need to have a telepromt typer that has half a brain.
  8. you payed 250 to have a car towed? Or they payed you 250 and towed the car also?
  9. Your refering to a 1 month period of time. The worst market crash in history was in 1932 with a loss of 86.0%. In 1987 however the market lost 23.0% in one month.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. Why would you ship them to yourself?
  11. I filled up last night at 3.66 a gal. Cost 125.01
  12. Good price scott going rate on those is 425-525 right now.
  13. your buddys driving it. let me know when your ready to have it done.
  14. if you can fix a crack you can fix a hole. how big is the hole? if you cant fix it i know i can.
  15. Tim we use sylvania CFL through out the house. They are 23w (100w comparable) and are the "soft white" but are really pure bright white. I dont know anything about color temperature for light bulbs. Only for photography. Im sure its similiar. But the lights we use are 1600 lumens and are rated at 8000 hrs. Edit... I just had to go look on the box. The color temperature on these bulbs are 3000k
  16. i like the guy in the commercial checking out the cavalier as he jogs by. and the lady throwing her whatever at the guy with the iroc. been there before.
  17. wholesale is 16 on your car man. give it time. the honda dealer i do work for is telling me civics are going like hotcakes. and they are going up. they were buying 06-07 for 13-14k but when he was at the auction they went up to 15-16k. customers are telling him they can buy one brand new for 1500 more. which that is true. someone will buy that thing. good luck on the sale, free bump
  18. yes its safe. thats consumable wattage. your still under the safety rating of the fixture.
  19. will post later spot reserved
  20. You guys need to stop talking about men in bikinis.
  21. http://columbus.craigslist.org/prk/664883259.html
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