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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. Right now, Im going to say your in the same situation that I was in, and moving from one side of the field to the other isn't going to do anything. My field was so saturated both pipes were covered. But it is worth a shot... Saturation + drainage compared to just Saturation.
  2. Gotcha. Yeah working on a re-size right now. Obviously their web page re-sizes for them. So I guess you do have to get your hands dirty. Take back what I said. There we go that picture is better! I thought you may have been viewing on a 55 in display. Looking at that in comparison, my inlet would be significantly higher. Loose the side pipes. Put 90's on both remaining pipes, add a baffle around both 90's to seal below, and not see the 90's. Stick a plunger in one and that's what I have.
  3. Vince, after a night of thinking about your setup. Im going to say that 90 is just a vent for the leach bed. Has nothing to do with distribution. Because if you were even able to move the 90 from the upper pipe to the lower (assuming paint picture is side view) it wouldnt change any water flow. Being the lower is covered putting a 90 on it, it would still be covered. And for it to work properly (stay with me) it wouldnt make since to flood one side of the leach bed, for the water to reach a level inside the dist. box and then finnally make it "up" to start pushing fluid to the other side of the leach bed. If your looking down on a distribution box the pipes would be on the same level with each other. Not one above the other. And changing water flow from one side to the other, your hands should be clean when your done. Here found a pic http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u298/pimpjettay2k/78Sectionviewofadistributionboxshowingrelativeelevationsofinletsandoutlets.jpg?t=1298737474
  4. Nice, I would love the have the continuous loop system. But Ill just wait 10 seconds for the hot water. So did you get rid of the reservoir?
  5. Kirk, the same thing will happen in the city. Thats just evaporation. Not sure what the codes are out there, but if you dont have a pressure tank you need one. Not sure who sets a house up on a resovior system. I wouldn't. You need a pre-filter, more filters after that if you want, or if your area calls for more need, then a water softener. And thats negotiable. I know guys that live in the county and have no softener, and you can drink their water.
  6. I just re-read, and re-thought what I was going to type. After reviewing the picture and thinking, you answered what I missed. You have a dual zone tank. Call that company and have that thing drained. No more paint for me, have to get home from the shop... http://herringsanitation.com/Septic.jpg
  7. If I had to guess, the that pipe pictured goes toward the house. I have a lid 15 more feet straight out from my septic tank. That's the distribution box. Here is a schamatic of the layout by code. Now you may have an aeration system so yours could be different. If the plunger is covered with water, then your bed is for sure saturated. If you move it, you'll get some bubbles. But seeing your night picture, thats your problem. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u298/pimpjettay2k/vince.jpg?t=1298682224
  8. Yeah Buddy! Hang on Ill get the number. EC Babbert 614.837.8444 Ran me 295.00, drivers name was Scott. If you schedule with Bob, he will tell you the guy is prompt, and by prompt he means 30 mins early. He pumped the tank, waited for awhile, let it back fill and pumped some more. Then he pumped from the distribution box to pull some excess water out of the leach bed. Left Amy at home to act uneducated so the last part he did from the distribution box was a bonus. They typically dont do that. They will ask how big your tank is. Code is based at 500 gallons per bedroom. Move the plunger every 6 months, no more. It can take that long for the bed to dry. If your moving it more then that your defeating the purpose.
  9. Septic. Just had mine drained and Im 5 minutes down the road from you. The excessive water in our area, compiled with saturated grounds leads to back flow in the leach bed. If youre near full or full in your septic tank, you are full now. Pull the lid and check. Our problem was because the septic was full the lift station could not push the waste water out. Backing it up into the basement line. Ran the washer and it smelled like shit. Leave the lower level laundry alone for a half day and the smell was gone. Run another load and it came back. Ended up burning the lift station up so now Im runing a temp drain line to the sump. And if its not the above, I can guarantee you its your lift station. ( I know it didnt take me 20 mins to type that, but I did walk away for a little bit)
  10. Paul, was in the middle of paint when you called today. Will call you here shortly after 2 deliveries.
  11. I wasn't thinking when I posted the reply. Is Wheel Medics price with Mount and Balance, or are the wheels loose? Typically they charge $50 a wheel + M&B. We can do the wheels for you on the lathe also at $40 a wheel + plus M&B if needed. Thats a $40 savings. They have more setup time with a tracer lathe, and will have to make a pattern. We'll just chuck the wheel in the lathe and bore it with a boring bar. Drop them one evening have them back the next morning.
  12. Wheel medic won't do it. Go with Dereks suggestion and take them to a machine shop.
  13. No problem Brandon. We are ready for your wheels whenever you are. Clay, that is in the works for Spring.
  14. Oh! Thanks. I know how that goes. Let me know what I need to do to get on that list. Or what type of _________ you need to refer customers my way.
  15. Thanks Doc. While we are in here, I would like to say Thank You to whoever recommended me to their friend in Dayton with the EVO. Would be a fun night to take that color changing formula out for a parking lot cruise.
  16. Just a heads up to CR. We have tripled our business in the last 2 months, and are doing everything in our capabilities to stay current and return customer inquiries. With the addition of a little Clifford to our family we are striving to keep up with business while still maintaining a family life. With the loss of our Grandmother in the last week, we are still striving to keep up with business. I am returning PM's with the appropriate information, as soon as I can possibly get to them. We have turned 6 CR cars in the last 2 weeks in a fashionable manner. And our scheduling in 4 more accordingly. Everyone but 2 current PM's from today have been replied to. (BIGGU, and 96whitebird our still in progress) If for any reason you have felt I have not returned a call or a PM, please do not hesitate to do a follow up call of PM. Thanks Kevin D. Clifford Clifford Automotive LLC 614-522-9742
  17. I think its local to that TA, Clay. When I stopped in there to fill the truck up, pulling the boat to Zanesville, I had the same problem.
  18. Must agree. I love photography and am an avid photographer. But I stopped looking at the pictures because they became hard to look at.
  19. I bet! Cooper will be on the boat for sure this year. Can't wait to get it out.
  20. We can do all 4 items. Had to check with one of my guys, (He was once employed by Team Rahal as their Head Tech) should have known he could do gears.
  21. Shoot me an email to cliffordautomotive@gmail and Ill send you an estimate back.
  22. We can do the first 3, I would have to call in my gear guy to do the rear.
  23. Stepping my Third Gen into this Fourth Gen thread, I run Eibachs and love the feel of them. Everything about them.
  24. Depending what he wants. I started to get back into Mechanical work a few weeks back. And I have 3 schedule for this week. Should be a supercharger belt getting done this week on "the magic 10 bolt" car also.
  25. Thanks Sean. Glad they liked it. I'll be here when your ready to do the next one. I appreciate your patience while we had our baby. Its been very busy, but well worth it. I'll bring you up a stack of cards.
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