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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. I use thinner to take off any painted on pin stripe. It will not hurt the clear. Ziebart uses thinner to detail cars. If you soak a rag in thinner and leave it on the car, thats a different story. It will haze the clear.
  2. LOL! It sure doesnt, if you put my baby pictures side by side with his, we are 100% alike. I think that was pretty close to my look wasnt it!?
  3. Hmm, my cousin works there. Will have to come out. Free Beer for Me!
  4. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u298/pimpjettay2k/Matt%20Stachlers%202001%20Mustang%20Bullitt/MattStachlers2001MustangBullitt033.jpg
  5. This is my first son, Cooper, who is now 4 months old. I was uploading photos of OSU spring commencement and feeding him at the same time. Every time I stopped to move the mouse this is the look I got. Straight out of the camera... Also probably has facebook compression. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/250474_10150637677355702_551970701_19164956_6418716_n.jpg
  6. I typed a whole thing up this morning before heading to the shop. Because I absolutely love wedding photography. Take what I'm about to say with grain of salt. The first image you posted does absolutely nothing for me. B&W in my opinion is used to save a shot that was trash. Or to change the emotion of a photo. In this photo there is no emotion that I'm feeling that was worth the switch to B&W. The first photo looks like it has 4 PM sun in it with the glare on their foreheads. Where you second shooting or a primary? I would have dropped my aperture lower then 7.1 for that shot, not matter where I composed from. Always take into consideration of whats in the foreground and background in when you compose. This changes slightly if your shooting a portrait where you want flower or foliage in the foreground of the image. You dont want sticks in their heads or face, or trees growing out of them. Break the lines, move up and down, and to the sides. Your second shots posted. Like Tim has stated, if your focusing on the flower, which I assume you are, then focus on the flower. You don't have to include a face in a photo to make it something worth keeping. Find the details, think about wedding photos you've seen, and what you haven't seen. I would have got right in on the flower and her hands. I would use it as a filler photo in a clients album. Out of the pictures you've posted, on my shop monitor, they are either blown or underexposed. What setting are you shooting in, with your Nikon? 300mm at 2.8 iso 800 with a 1/2500 shutter is cookin! Out door wedding you shouldnt have to be in iso 800. That ring shot has too much going on. The papers on the right are distracting where my eye is supposed to go, and I am wondering what they say. Im also looking at whoevers arm is holding them. I know, your cant help or quite control what happens in wedding photos, but still refer back to what I said. Move around and think about your composure before you push that button. Dont be afraid to get closer. My biggest complaint on what you posted is, I want to see color! Friend Will in New York, is a foreground and background shooting. He has the asian market wrapped up. Check him out. http://www.william-chang.com/
  7. All the more reason I dock my boat out east...
  8. Never played with it. Typically I dont photoshop too much either. Just some minor corrections if necessary, horizon adjustment, etc.
  9. The Perrier commercial before it was awesome!
  10. Think they need a better floor board or a scatter sheild.
  11. For sure going to try. I have a dealer car to grab in the morning and do real quick and one to send to Nissan for a Dash.
  12. I may have to roll up with you then. It will depend on how much I get done tomorrow. I just saw the 257 in your original post.
  13. Should be a nice ride up to Waldo. Plan on taking 23 straight up? I dont drink coffee.
  14. What they did is no different then someone finding a dog and trying to give it away free with in a few hours.
  15. Its sad that everyone of those will dry out and be fine, but they are probably all totaled.
  16. Call 614-496-3650 A Tru-Wheel Will get you hooked up on straightening, welding cracks, or replacement. Tell him you got his number here.
  17. I did a quick and dirty edit like time did but kept it in color. Took out the picnic table also, shifted composition similar, blured the background for the 2.8 look. Like already stated, its working with the source, still need to clean up my edge around the top of the car from the blur. But its give or take right now, with the quality of the image. Will throw it up later.
  18. I would have started with the coils myself. Always do on a VW when I service them. Is Elite Spraying there or was that just a rumor I heard you guys werent?
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