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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. No problem Matt. Its my pleasure. All this time talking though PM and across the board it was nice to finally meet you.
  2. Typically the flue will take care of any air movement in or out in a WBF. But there will be a tiny loss. If you had a GBF then by law you wont have a flue and doors are highly recommended to act as the flue for air control.
  3. What are you paying with them. I got a lifer verizon fan to switch to sprint, because in fact it was cheaper and better service.
  4. Yep, this is what I would do. I have the family plan, with 4 lines. 1 EVO 1 EPIC 2 Rumors
  5. Its not an IROC. You have to cut part of the core support up to get them in. The hood looks good IMO. I was going to put one on my car.
  6. Its been awhile since he's been on. And it looks like it will be awhile before he's on again. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87847
  7. Lookin good. Love the swapped front. I had 2 loved them both. Would like to find another one for a shop car. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs082.snc1/4553_180564285701_551970701_6923878_3141622_n.jpg
  8. Nice. Ill trade you powertrains staight up? J/K Im looking for a wrecked one. Free Bump.
  9. Photoshop. Lots to learn but well worth it. Though I have to ask, what will it be used for primarily?
  10. I use nothing. I dont get viruses.
  11. What Ive posted is not really common knowledge. Im sure 99.7% of CR doesnt know any of that. There really isnt anymore background on it then money, companies buy their way into government. But it goes back to proving fact, how can you prove something that is consumed by the companies and the government hiding it? Its pretty hard.
  12. I could type a pretty decent post here like I just did in the Taco Bell Thread. If you read that one, you'll kind of get an idea of where I could go in here.
  13. Here is some fact on why our food industry is the way it is. It comes down to bottom line, and how much money people can put in their pockets. And companies buying their way into government. Clarence Thomas was Monsanto's Attorney he is now a Supreme Court Justice. He wrote an article that prevented farmers from saving their own seed. And Monsanto can sue farmers if they find their seed in the farmers field. Monsanto had ties with the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, was CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals, this company was sold to Sargento. Rumsfeld made near 12 million from the sale. He was also Bush's Secretary of Defense. John Ashcroft was the United States Attorney General during the Bush Administration, he received Record Number Donations from who? Monsanto. Michael Cantor, was a Board Of Directors for Monsanto, he moved into the Clinton Administration as United States Trade Rep, then later became Secretary of Commerce. Robert Shapiro was an attorney for Searle Pharmaceuticals, later becoming CEO of Sargento. Then moved on to be part of Clintons Advisory board. Wendell Murphy (NC State Senator) was Board of Directors for Smithfield foods. Margaret Miller was the Chemical Lab Supervisor for Monsanto, she is now the FDA Branch Chief. Linda Fisher, VP Gov & Pub Affairs for Monsanto, she then became the EPA Deputy Administrator. Michael Taylor, King and Spaulding Lawyer, whos client was Monsanto, became Deputy Commissioner for Policy. As a lawyer he advised Monsanto on labeling food as being genetically altered. As Commissioner he oversaw the FDA's decision to not label altered food. Oh wait, he was also the Vice President of Public Policy for Monsanto. The above reasons are why Tim can not provide "proof" to be read. The last 25 years of our government have been dominated by the companies they are supposed to regulate. This is raw power in the government. It deliberatly keeps comsumers in the dark when its about where the food comes from, how its processed, and what it does to your body. There is a case in California, with a company that is fighting to not label "cloned" food. Every type of labeling that you may love to read (that big white square with all the info about what your eating) was fought by companies that produce the food. Because they dont want us to know whats in it. I now this is off the topic of meat but it has the same background meaning. Just remember when your eating your mcdonalds hamburger that your not eating 1 cow, your eating 1000 cows. Every word I typed is all fact. I will not provide you with any links, look it up.
  14. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/98-04_Cadillac_Seville.jpg/800px-98-04_Cadillac_Seville.jpg
  15. Glad you got one. Ill bring a few over and drop them in your back yard.
  16. I have always done in-wall set ups myself. Where Im at now is the only place I didnt put an in-wall in. I thought I would move it to the basement to do the same thing here. But Im not moving my tank just to have it in the wall of my basement where no one will enjoy it. Though it would fit right in down there. Looks Good AJ
  17. I wont do it. I would but I dont have that kind of time. Its needs patient slow work. My work is scuff it shoot it deliver it.
  18. Yes it can be done. Just need to be careful not to get into the fibers too much. In that first picture, you'll end up having a little distortion in the fiber, you and who ever does it will know its there. No one else will pick it up.
  19. Come over and take your pick Vince. Theres some full growns and one thats around 6 months old. Cute as a button (cant believe I said that). They're all outdoor/barn cats but they are all loving and have been inside the house when we let them hang out.
  20. If I would have seen this, this morning I could have had it take care of for you.
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