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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. Its a windstar... What people pull with amazes me sometimes. There was a guy in Hilliard the live one neighborhood over from me, that used to pull his boat about that size with a mustang. I asked him why he pulled it with a mustang, and his answer was he didnt want to pull it with his vette.
  2. Ahh, yeah I didnt take into consideration the amount of freon your needing compared to what I did last. Dont put any oil in it.
  3. It appear out conversation on the board a few weeks back has brought your stock value up. I will keep you in mind, when ordering my next set of compounds.
  4. Take it to ENR transmission by my old building at 820 w. broad street. Tell them I sent you over there, and pay the 100 bucks to evac and charge the ac.
  5. It reads full because there is air in the system. How did you vacuum the system down?
  6. Me too! I posted that in the stills thread I started. What I want to know is what exactly these people are using for GPS tracking?
  7. I posted the still shot camera that went up on balloons. Havent seen video. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I wouldn't have even posted if I read that in the first post. Beat around the bush with Private Schools, needless to say, the kids are getting a better education and are happier in Public schools now.
  9. Ill take some. Ive got about 18 right now. But could always use a few more.
  10. I didnt read 4 pages, but I did read the first. So first of all. You dont have any ground to stand on with the school unless you have, custodial rights of the child. Her parents are the one that are going to have to bring it up to the school. I saw 15 year old brought up, but you didn't specify how old she is. How old is she? When I was in the second grade the bus driver told me I couldn't get on the bus. So the only thing I could think of doing was to walk home. Who thinks of calling home, and getting a ride. 2nd grade mentality is, its time to go home. So I walked from Beacon Elememtary, off Lacon Dr. and Cemetary, to Golfview Woods off Wilson Rd. My dad was in the school the next morning... So I read some more. And my above example still stands... But depending on her age. She missed the bus. Ok. He didnt force her to walk home. She could have picked up her cell phone that she got texts on and called someone for a ride...
  11. No toes stepped on here though. I enjoy looking at other peoples work. Its not like Im the only guy in the world that knows how to paint. Well I have a variable speed, that I could let you use in the shop.
  12. O I C Josh, the picture you see is more then just a buff job, it all started with nice paint. I'll teach you how to buff your car if you have a buffer and your interested. There's a 79 TA on Craigslist right now for 500 complete, I was thinking about picking it up and flipping it. Just have a lot of other projects going on right now.
  13. I wouldnt think it to be that big of a safety issue. With the temp of the track, the amount of water on your tires, and the friction between the two, your tires would be dry 50 feet out.
  14. I pay them every year. Great transformation by the way. Im not sure why that wasnt in there. I must have taken it out. What did you do to a $500 car that you sold it for 24k?!
  15. I may actually be interested in this car. Well the other half of me... Has it been cut and buffed yet? The clear on the fender looks awfully thick. This is black paint. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u298/pimpjettay2k/Capital%20Towing/all658.jpg
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