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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. You must have! Or you couldnt drive.
  2. So what is it that you are doing to make this country not so embarrassing? I have to say Im not embarrassed of my Country. And I dont feel that way. Ones with this attitude are the ones that got us where we are. Let someone else do it, then pass the blame when something goes wrong.
  3. Pulling the transmission this week to tear it apart and figure out what went wrong... I can pretty much tell ya what went wrong...Too much GM Power running through it. Havent decided how Im going to rebuild it yet, or what converters going back in. At least I got to put 2000 miles on the car this year. Ped, it really makes you feel good knowing your pride and joy are taking care of when its not in your hands.
  4. When it comes to customer vehicles I have used them frequently to move cars. When it comes to my vehicles I do that myself. I was in a pinch tonight when I blew the tranny in the IROC. Called Capital at 9:30 and by 10:00 their driver Andy found me in the middle of the country off of 40. I swear my car was on the truck and ready to go in less then 2 minutes. Same with the off loading...straight into my shop! Great service and value. These guys know how to tow. Thanks Brandon and Andy!
  5. mad hatter on sullivant ave. /thread
  6. Sucks to hear man. That was a nice place it seems for the 1 minute I was in there. Good luck to you.
  7. I know. Just giving some shit. Take picture, lots and lots of them.
  8. Good luck to ya man. Ive been in and out of the hospital with my grandmother through this past week. We cant seem to keep her out of there.
  9. Got a backrest now. Looks good Ben. Planning a long haul?
  10. Ive always called them "Sho's" and apparently so does Ford
  11. Just what I tell my customers, it has to be re-applied. Its not an all time fix. Consider it "wax" on a car. Its not a one time application. When they tell you it has to be re-applied, that doesnt mean, thats all you can put on the boat now. You can wax overtop of it with no ill side effect. When you decide you dont want to use it anymore, you use the Vertglas stripper. I will be ordering 10 kits to get started for winter.
  12. Wrong, Vertglas is a hull conditioner and can be stripped. I think for what your trying to achieve this may be the best option for you. And if you need to re-apply, its not necessary to buy a whole kit. You just buy more sealer.
  13. The face was because..... I dont think hes looking to repair his hull and thats what sodablasting is for. You dont sodablast to correct hull oxidation.
  14. They were 600 at the Z last time I heard.
  15. Vertiglas is the shit... Im thinking Im going to stock up on it for the winter. We are going to start pushing boat restoration pretty hard toward the end of the season. Tom, your going to have to help me put that door in my building I was talking about.
  16. Dont use car wax, use boat wax...and lots of it! Heres one half way through the process... http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs146.snc1/5412_101667226511889_100000058377679_47813_6380995_n.jpg http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs126.snc1/5412_101667366511875_100000058377679_47822_3669718_n.jpg Oh if you want your boat cleared get ahold of us this winter. Two are coming already, one just cleared, one painted and cleared. Edit... Finished Product http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs126.snc1/5412_101740889837856_100000058377679_49715_573730_n.jpg http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs126.snc1/5412_101740896504522_100000058377679_49717_6200251_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=47814&id=100000058377679
  17. Meant to throw this up like last year when I saw that sign... Ill be there.
  18. Mark let me know where to get the phone from. My employees breaks nextels like thats what i pay him to do.
  19. 15,17 and 42 at the shop. 15,17,and 42 at home.
  20. so the oil plug is stripped? The way I originally read your post is that the 4 outside corners bolts on the oil pan are stripped. You can bring it by to me tomorrow and im sure i can take care of it for you.
  21. State Farm only uses OEM parts...weather it be new or used. After one major law suit the no longer write aftermarket. I used to have state farm. After an accident claim that totalling my trans am, and 7k in receipts they dropped me. It was get dropped or not pay the invested value. There policy states that they will pay the previous 1 years worth of work performed on the car. Switched to Nationwide, (doug reedy reynoldsburg) and will never look back. 4 license suspensions, 38 convictions, 3 totaled cars.... i pay 330 every 6 months for my truck, car, and camaro.
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