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Everything posted by Chrome

  1. Your son knows his shit! Good for him standing his ground. Those others are morons, trump included.
  2. How do I delete attachments in my account so I can upload more pics. Doing it via mobile.
  3. Hate even going there with it. It was about 400 or 500 new. Sometimes I do feel that way about my work printer though. I think I'm 1 of many. Lol
  4. Still have this and need it gone. $100
  5. I would be curious to know what your average salesman makes. Do you lay them off in the down season? I'm not looking for specifics, just a low to high end.
  6. I have to agree with this. Looks like a good swinging rhythm. And his girl was so proud. Imagine what she'd think about someone who could do REAL pull-ups. Lol
  7. Chrome

    Cavs vs Lakers

    Couldn't agree more with this! Lol
  8. Chrome

    RIP Dave Mirra

    Very true. Money, fame, and fun jobs don't always bring happiness. I feel bad for his wife and kids.
  9. Just listened to a thing on the radio this week about a guy who stole a uhaul truck, put a chest freezer in the back and had a girl he killed in it for 3 years! Backed the thing into his driveway and plugged it in. Crazy!
  10. Chrome

    RIP Dave Mirra

    Apparent suicide. Found in a truck with a self inflicted gun shot wound. Rip Dave, you changed the industry.
  11. And again. He doesn't care. Lol
  12. Chrome

    State auctions

    Anyone ever attend these. Bought anything. I am looking at the auto surplus auction coming up. Any hidden fees? Looking at a couple of the Chargers they will be selling. Something to drive around in the hood when I'm working.
  13. #24 and still around. Good times built from the original OR crew.
  14. In other words. He doesn't care if you have something other than an iPhone.
  15. Well scheduled the surgery for next Friday. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck, I've never been knocked out before. Kinda nervous.
  16. Why am I not able to see your videos?
  17. I would like to have this but your about 2 hrs from me. You deliver to cbus?
  18. Doc said there will be no pt? Should I consult another doc? Or just do pt on my own?
  19. Update: Just went to the doc this morning and it's not as bad as he initially thought. Mcl tear with ligament damage. Simple surgery and 2-3 week recovery.
  20. Doc says he's not worried about the mcl. Doesn't sound like I'm as bad off as you were.
  21. Who's done it and what was your recovery time? I think mine is jacked. Happened a few days after Christmas and I've been in pain ever since. Popping, swelling, locking up and sharp shooting pains. I had x-rays done and it's nothing with the bones. MRI was done on Friday and I meet with the doc again on Monday. Just trying to see what recovery will be like if I have to have surgery.
  22. House of babes on s high st. I kid I kid. Lol
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