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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. ryan, I am interested in this, too. If itsafastford doesn't want it, I'd like to look at it.
  2. I have an extra computer that I would like to get rid of for $200: Athlon XP 2500+ (Barton core 512KB of cache) Motherboard is a Soyo Dragon KT600 Plus v1.0. It has 2 PATA ports, 2 SATA ports, USB 2.0, built in 10/100 ethernet, integrated sound. I do not have the driver CD from Soyo, but the drivers can be downloaded from Soyo at: http://www.soyogroup.com/downloads/selectresults.php?language=English&col1=+++++++AMD+Athlon+XP&col2=280&col3=Driver 512 MB (2x256) of Kingston value ram Jetway Radeon 9600LE video car 40GB HD 15" Compaq Monitor Floppy drive case/power supply pics: http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/430/computeroutside9uy.jpg http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/3318/computerinside5zm.jpg
  3. What comes with it (hoses, etc)? Just the compressor?
  4. Alex, I kind of lost my enjoyment of it and wasn't driving it. I think I might have put 300 miles on it since April. After getting the bike, the Cobra just wasn't as much fun to drive. Did a track day, and decided I wanted to concentrate more on motorcycles - which means I wanted a truck to tow with. We ended up getting a F-150 and I couldn't be happier with the choice. I miss the car, but not like I thought I would
  5. tbone (Martin) came and got him tonight. Mods, please lock!
  6. Underdrive pullies - $30 or make an offer. Not sure of the brand. Should fit 99 and lower 4.6L Cobras. Crank pulley and water pump pulley: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/carstuff/underdrives_front.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/carstuff/underdrives_side.jpg Gas tank from my 99 Cobra. Free, just come and get it. PM me or e-mail at lemosley01@gmail.com
  7. Since I sold my car, I have the following: Polished Procharger P1-SC pullied for 8 lbs. 3 Core intercooler Piping, etc, to fit 99 Cobra Pro-M MAF 39 lbs injectors from a 2003 Cobra Autometer Phantom electric fuel pressure gauge (with Ford fuel rail adapter), electric water temperature gauge, and boost vacuum gauge Single gague a-pillar mount Dual gauge dash board mount 3 bottles of supercharger head unit oil You will need the bolts that mount the supercharger to the head unit. You can call Procharger and get the sizes then purchase them elsewhere. I called and got the sizes for the bolts in the past, but forgot the numbers. Comes with 2001 Cobra install manual, but the 99 manual can be ordered from Procharger. IIRC, the install is not siginificantly different. Basically you will need the bolts and a tune. Asking $2500 Pictures here: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/carstuff/supercharger/ PM me or e-mail at lemosley01@gmail.com
  8. Here you go: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/dog/dog1.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/dog/dog2.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/dog/dog3.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/dog/dog4.jpg
  9. We've had this dog about 6 months and simply don't have the time to work with him - he *should* be housebroken but isn't, and doesn't seem to get it. He needs someone who can work with him all day long and we don't have that kind of time. He's a cute dog, just refuses to learn that the house is not a bathroom. He is sneaky about it, too, waiting until you leave the room, the going to do his business. We got him from some people who kept him in a dog kennel almost all day, and he was about a year old when we got him. He is now about 18 months (or so the vet says). PM me here or email me at lemosley01@gmail.com
  10. mr x - I know the one we got is overkill, but a F-350 Dualie diesel? Wow....
  11. Jason, I'll take it. When can I pick it up and where do you live?
  12. Yeah - it was hard to leave it, but this truck is soooo nice. And I know have a way to haul my bike back and forth to the track.
  13. Thanks Mark. I found out about XPlan access the other day. Just to let everyone know, we went the new truck route. Andy, I wasn't ignoring you but found this truck and decided to see what I could do. You were next on my list. Anyway, we traded in both cars (and took a hit on the Freestyle because of negative equity) to get a 2006 Supercrew F150 with the Lariat package - I think it has almost every option except the 'Home Link' and the DVD player (which we already have). It is a demo with 5K miles on it, but they threw in the premiumcar 5/60000 warranty on it and we got a pretty substantial reduction plus the 0% interest rate. Now I gotta buy a beater so my wife can drive the nice truck. How does that work again?
  14. Thanks guys! Incidentally, Ricart did call me and talked about my e-mail - they were apologetic, well, really more like 'excuse-making' as to why it happened. It sounded like they wanted to put some of the blame on me. I don't *think* I was being an asshole, but who knows. I'm definitely done with them - if that is how their salesmen are, I shudder to think about the vehicles and rip-off cons they try with them.
  15. Rob - I *MIGHT* need this. Looking at selling my Mustang and picking up a cheap car to drive (while my wife gets to drive the new one ). Just a heads up for you. If an offer comes along, though, take it! Edit: Sorry - I'm a dumbass and should have just PM'd you. Free bump though!
  16. Thanks guys. Happy to know I'm in good company. Felt good to vent! TripleThreat, I don't know WTF they were thinking - I saw someone on here call them no better tha JD Byrider - I think that pretty much sums it up.
  17. harry, basically the guy treated me like a fucking idiot and wasn't willing to move AT ALL. I can understand if you don't want to deal, but there is no need to be sarcastic and an asshole. I don't know if they didn't want my car or the guy just wanted to go home (it was 6pm on a Sunday), but if you don't want to talk to me now, just tell me. The truck was an 02 Crewcab 4x4 for 21,995. Nice truck, but with what market value is on these things, not 22K worth of nice. I figured we could deal on it. They 'appraised' my car, and this jackass named 'John' comes back to me with 530 a month * 72 months - over 38K! I was like 'I can buy a brand NEW supercrew for that right now'. I seriously thought it was a joke. He was just basically sarcastic and unwilling to really even talk to me. We also stopped by the new trucks center to check out the lease specials they had going on, and not one person offered to help us, even after I walked into the showroom and walked right by the two Shelby Cobras and the front desk. Only one guy said anything at all, and that was 'hi' as he headed out to the lot. We were probably in there for 15 minutes or so. Very bizarre. I took a shower before going there, so it isn't like I stunk (I think!).
  18. I'm in the market to trade my Mustang in for a truck. I think I'm sold on the F-150, looking for a SuperCrew XLT 4x4. Doesn't have to have the FX4 package, but I do want a tow package and other goodies if I can get them I'm looking to stay in the 15-17K range, which, with the used truck market being what it is, should get me a pretty nice 2002-2004 F-150 (I hope). I've also considered the Dakotas and like those as well, and the Sonoma/S-10. Same things apply - 4x4, tow package, quad cab. I was at Ricart and found a F-150 that fit the bill perfectly, until the sales guy tried to jerk me off. I'm still pissed off about it. Can anyone help me out? I'd like to give any potential business to CR members, if I can.
  19. What are parts prices and availability like on them?
  20. Ok all, I'm considering trading in the Cobra and found a 98 Audi A4. For some reason, I have always been attracted to these cars. Anyone got some good links where I can dig up information on potential problems and what to look out for, or any input on it?
  21. Like the quality of HD is 'insane' (not). It's hardly worth $1000 or $600 PLUS having to rebuy all of my DVDs. Think I'll sit back and watch the HD-DVD vs. Blu-ray circus play itself out before I commit. Yes, I'll be pre-ordering one or two so I can ebay it - around Christmas time when they can't keep them in stock.
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