This is great advice - if all you plan to do is squid around and cruise from spot to spot. Of course, it kind of doesn't make sense given that you are buying SPORTbike which is purpose-designed to be on the track. I don't know about you, but I get bored riding from place to place to stand around and talk about how great bikes are. I think I'd rather be riding mine.
There is more to it than being mature. A 150 RWHP bike with grabby brakes and radical steering geometry is not the right tool to learn how to ride safely and well. There is a reason why racers (you know, those really good riders) started on smaller bikes and worked their way up. There is also a reason that you don't put a 16 year old into a Bugatti to teach them how to drive. Sure, you can respect the bike and not twist the throttle all of the way, but then, why did you buy the thing in the first place in you are scared of it?
Make sure you get an insurance quote BEFORE you purchase anything. Some of the insurance quotes I have seen are frightening - like half the cost of the bike/yr. Nothing like buying a new bike and then finding out you can't afford ot make the insurance payments on it.
Have you checked Honda Northwest (or whatever it is called) in Hilliard? Have you tried to bargain with the dealers? The CBRs are expensive bikes, so they really may not be willing to bargain much - they usually sell pretty well.