Dude gets pulled over
Cop sees slimline cases and homemade CDs on his seat (not many, but a 'number'). Cop assumes said CDs are illegal (per a virginia statue) and therefore invokes probable cause to search the car.
Search turns up more CDs and some weed.
Dude goes to court, found guilty of possession of MJ with intent to distribute.
Dudes lawyer appeals on the grounds that the police did not have probable cause to search the car. This therefore violates the 4th amendment and the evidence (weed) is inadmissable.
Appeals court agrees with dude's lawyer as the Virigina statue on the CDs was interpreted too broadly by the police and lower court. Therefore the police had no reason to search the car, and violated Dude's civil rights.
Dude gets off, goes home, burns more CDs while probably smoking MJ. Good for dude and good for the appeals court.
Another disturbing thing about this case is that the guy claimed that he didn't know the weed wasn't there. The car was not his and the weed didn't belong to him.
Normally, the police say 'your car, your weed'. But in this case they said 'not your car, still your weed'. WTF?