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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. Interested - got a pic or link to the product?
  2. lemosley01


    :funny: Somehow, I don't think a 17 year-olds idea of important, jives with reality... No, Vin Diesel and the dude from FF3 are not important.
  3. lemosley01

    Saturday 17th

    Alex, tell him how much you paid... Nah. Better not.
  4. Figures I wouldn't see this until now. I was out cleaning dirty vehicles until 4pm. I'm up for tomorrow.
  5. lemosley01

    Saturday 17th

    :finger: Thanks. I couldn't remember if there were two or more than that.
  6. FYI: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26183
  7. lemosley01

    Saturday 17th

    I'll try to make it on my bike. What is the west garage next to? I don't go over to easton much (at all).
  8. Was at Iron Pony bike night last night and went inside to pick up a new shield for my HJC. They are finally carrying Shark helmets. I got to try on the RSR2, RSX and RSI and all three were pretty nice. The RSR2 is very light being Carbon Fiber, while the other two are heavier but not bad at all. Still lighter than my HJC and lighter than the Scorpion EXO700. Probably a little heavier than a Shoei. I am lusting after the RSR2. They are 420 in solid colors and 530 with graphics Also checked out the carbon fiber HJC AC-12. It is also a nice helmet and very light. It's the same price as the RSR2, however. First place I've found selling Sharks stateside.
  9. I'm thinking about it. My wife hasn't gotten to ride this year with me yet. Where is everyone meeting?
  10. Thanks - I thought the covered bridge tour would be kind of neat, too. Anyone interested in scheduling a trip next saturday or sunday?
  11. Unfortunately, not yet. Someday I WILL have two bikes. Maybe more.
  12. I don't know why people on sportbikes continue to 'show up' people in slow ass cars. Just ignore them. They'll go away.
  13. I'll be available on Sunday. May be out to the meet at Lowe's/Easton on Saturday night as well.
  14. Those will show up on Unique Whips or Pimp My Ride next week.
  15. lemosley01

    Saturday 17th

    +1. Brian, I had no idea you are a w3st sid3r. YO!
  16. LOL. We have such a wonderful support system here.
  17. Setup a video camera and start taping.
  18. lemosley01

    White SS

    If you go faster than 150, most bikes really taper off. Drag is your enemy at those speeds. I had someone in a G6 (yes, a G6) trying to race me or show off on my way home Friday. I'm like 'why?' Maybe I'll see that clown again and feel like showing him that his pontiac isn't fast...
  19. I know C++. Learning C# but put that down. Let me know where to reply. Thanks Michael.
  20. Cliffnotes: Dude gets pulled over Cop sees slimline cases and homemade CDs on his seat (not many, but a 'number'). Cop assumes said CDs are illegal (per a virginia statue) and therefore invokes probable cause to search the car. Search turns up more CDs and some weed. Dude goes to court, found guilty of possession of MJ with intent to distribute. Dudes lawyer appeals on the grounds that the police did not have probable cause to search the car. This therefore violates the 4th amendment and the evidence (weed) is inadmissable. Appeals court agrees with dude's lawyer as the Virigina statue on the CDs was interpreted too broadly by the police and lower court. Therefore the police had no reason to search the car, and violated Dude's civil rights. Dude gets off, goes home, burns more CDs while probably smoking MJ. Good for dude and good for the appeals court. Another disturbing thing about this case is that the guy claimed that he didn't know the weed wasn't there. The car was not his and the weed didn't belong to him. Normally, the police say 'your car, your weed'. But in this case they said 'not your car, still your weed'. WTF?
  21. Wow. At least they got it right...after appeals.
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