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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Get a remote controlled car/truck and fabricate a very large hammer on the top of it. Make it tall enough to hit to bottom of the rotor. All you have to do then is drive the remote around your garage to get it at top speed and hit the rotor a few times!! ;)
  2. I understand what youre saying. I can afford to pay it before the three years. I have always been very good with my money. i wouldnt be getting it if I didnt think I couldnt affford it. I may only be 21, but when I had my credit looked at about three months ago, my score was a 760 something. I was shocked ha. Good looking out tho Berto!
  3. Best buy is doing an interest free special on all Home Theater, which includes tvs and surround sound stuff I do believe, unntill Jan of 2010. This is a GREAT deal. I'm poor but have been wanting an LCD for awhile. Anyway, you could spend $1500 and only pay $43 a month.

    So what is the best deal as far as the LCDs go(at Best Buy). There are a few I am looking at. I dont really want to spend more than $1800. Anyone have a good idea on the best choice? I was considering the Philips Ambilight 42" Flat-Panel LCD HDTV - it is on sale for 1699?

  4. You need to get that shit looked at asap. If it is sitting in a crooked position they will need to put it back into place. Dont worry it will only hurt alot for about 10 minutes. No but seriously, go get films taken so they can make sure its sitting ok. Well worth it in the long run!
  5. Not all of us can be cool enough to ride a motorcyle in the frrrreeeezing weather, Sooo... What do you enjoy doing in the winter months? Anyone know of a big hill to sled ride down(ha, :badgrin: I dont in flat ass columbus)? Snow mobiles? Skiing/Snowboarding? List your favorite winter activities, if you have any.... :D

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