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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I am riding up to Utica today with a few peeps. If anyone would like to join we will be meeting near polaris and Route 3. Not sure on the time yet. I have to go wire two air compressors on my dude's truck cuz he slammed it and put air bags on it. Give me a call if any of you want to join for the ride.

    614.746.3156 8)


  2. Erica, Very glad to hear you are ok. Its great that youre so syyyked to get back on the bike too! I give you mad props on your riding skills, you were in front of me the whole time. Make sure you rest up and get fully healed. Sorry to hear about the ribs. I know that is a VERY painfull fracture. I hope youre past the point of it hurting everytime you take in a breathe. Get better fast! I'm looking forward to riding again with you next season! Have a good Weekend :)

  3. Yoda is in the back...looking like he should be in the Lord of the Rings remake

    I love you too sweet heart.

    A) Blame me? Why?

    B) What is a Yota and does it ride a motorcycle?

    C) Who the hell still has dial-up?

    D) I like cookies

    E) I'm not a nice guy.

    If this was a scantron test I would have a hard time picking between B. and D.

  4. Even if it wasn't featured there...look at it! It looks like a fucking beast and the tires are the dead giveaway. Not to mention that car must be loud as fuck drivin down the road.


    Those tires are NOT a dead give away. They are not even that big IMO for the amount of power it puts out. It does not look like a beast at all to me, thats just me tho...

  5. It might be. The high bidder has bid 7 times and then only $100 over the clown that went to $25,000. Why you wouldn't just bit on another one is beyond me.


    This is what I was thinking. Doesnt make much sense. This guy has a good ebay history(the seller) Maybe the buyer wants to be certain they are getting hte real thing. That is insane. $$25,000!!!!

  6. Yota please tell me your not serious. Which tent? I've got pictures of them all, I will post them in a bit Or I can email them now if someone wants to post them


    Haha. Not serious. I just wanted to see if anyone was going to offer to bring me more beer or not. :lol:


    So where do you think is the best place to try and get one tonight at midnight? I am making my girlfriend go with me so I can get two. :-)

  7. Hello this is yotaman, live from best buy at easton using their wireless. I am in a tent, I am almost out of beer, and my balls have crawled inside of my abdomen so far I am now a woman. Dont worry though, I am ok and I will soon have 300% profit! :thumbup:
  8. Sounds like he fuck's shit up... What is this car half ass put to gether.. No doors No windows... lol Sounds like a P.O.S Ill give you $50 for it..


    Dont be an asshole! Im sure you would love someone saying this about a vehicle you are trying to sell. If youre not interested then look elsewhere, asshat! :slap:

  9. Insurance is higher for anything larger than a 600cc bike. Sounds like a decent deal as long as it rides and runs nice. Best advice I can give is take someone with you who has been around bikes for a long time. Make sure you or your someone takes it for a test drive too! I never buy a bike without a nice 10-20 minute ride on it.
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