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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Damn Yota. We just might have to put you on the Pit Crew for Team Paskey!

    That would be a good time. I have always enjoyed fixing anything, especially cars and motorcycles. All my friends told me I should of done a school for bikes er something but I didnt think I would make the money I want. I was prolly wrong. Oh well. Now it is just my Favorite hobby and a passion in a way. :cool:

  2. True Story, we are due. Its a little chilly today but our good man the SUN seems to be coming out. I have to pull the alternator off my car and switch a pulley on it to try something out. Other than that, I may be down for a ride if you and your people are....

  3. I'm not a douchebag, old man!! Ha. Just messin POPS, you know you be my DOOOD. Ha, I'm down for a ride. I have riden evey wed and mon to Columbus state since the quarter started in Sept. I will ride with you, if you can keep up. You might end up putting scratches on the bottom edges of the DRESSER! :cool::cool: Hit me up man. Yous gots thes digtits!!

  4. Yea I have the same problem when I get a keg of Amberbock. I dont know why people prefer bud lite over Amberbock, especially on tap. Amberbock fresh out of a cold ass keg is amazing!! So what about that tap Ben...?

  5. Hell yeah! I have a progressive controller to soften the blow, but when I'm at the track I plan on spraying through once or twice. I would do it more but I need my tranny to hold up for another 9 months.


    Which controller are you using, and do you like it?

  6. Anyone know of a decent garage I can rent monthly that is in walking distance of campus. I am renting one now for $50 a month but there is no electricty to it and water also collects in front of it cuz the alley is not level so there is a nasty water pit I have to drive through and dirty the car each time in and out. Just wondering if anyone knows of a good one. Thanks all!!
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