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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I feel your pain man. My truck was stolen and totaled a few months ago by two 14 year old kids. I didnt have insurance on it cuz I was storing it for the time being. The kids parents are poor and dont own a damn thing to sue for either, they even rent their house. They should at least let me have their kids a fews times a week to do work for me until the debt is paid. This is why I FUCKING HATE people!
  2. Icey--->I like that... Slip'n'Slide'n away from CPD...

    Damn I wish I was cool enough to know how to Slip'n'Slide'n away from the CPD. This sounds way neatO!! I wish I knew how to do those things when your front wheel comes up off the ground too. What are those called? Wheel ups or something?? WheelOs ? Oh well, maybe one day I will be able to one

  3. Damn I hate dingle berries with a passion. I hate when I get them at work. Have to walk around all day with what feels like pebbles rubbing between your ass cheeeks. Then you have to put up with coworkers asking you if your ripping ass everytime you walk by them. I cant stand that.
  4. I obviously don't learn much from my mistakes because I tried farting again.. while bent over. An anal explosion of half digested sam adams and chipotle spattered all over the wall, faucet, and girlfriend's loofa.


    OMFG!! I was having a shitty friday morning, I feel great now! Thank you Brian for sharing what may be the best story I have ever heard!! :funny:

  5. hey yotaman88210 do you live on OSU campus, I saw a yellow duc twice today when I was walking to classes. Was guessing it was you since the helmet looked the same as the one in your sig.

    Why yes I do... I live right by the Taco Bell and the 7/11. Good times!

  6. Very nice setup, and VERY impressive with it being all motor besides the 100 shot. You dont see to many cars (in the almost stock condition) like yours running this good of a time on a 100 shizott. I liiiike!!! :burn:
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