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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Not sure about cruizing up there now. I dont know if I want to go with the weather. My buddy is setting up a projection screen for the buckeye game too. Jeff, Let me know by later tonight or early tomorrow morning if you are still going- PM or hit up the phone cuz I'm not sure if my "free wireless" will be working at home. Ha :twisted:

  2. I need to be on this mass text message list. I went riding for a good 2 hours last night, just cruzin by myself. Didnt feel like tryin to get anyone together. It wwas so nice I didnt want to waste time. If the weather holds out for us count me in for the next ride...

  3. Yea I'm only gonna be there mon and wed from 3pm-9pm. Last night I actually parked in the garage right up next to the door to the Crossover bridge walkway thing. There were some cement poles then enough room behind them for about 5-8 bikes to park. It looked very good to me, right next to the door and a big area with protection from other cars cuz of the poles. I parked there and had no problem. :D

  4. I may try to come up. I start classes tonight so I am hoping I get out early. It is schedules till 9 so I may not be able to make it. I agree with John and the 40 degree riding. I would much rather put on an extra layer and ride than drive the car. Coldest day I rode it was 34 degrees. Thats when I lived at my parents house still (on polaris Parkway) and i was taking classes at OSU's marion campus. It was about a 30-45 minute ride. My jacket with the liner keeps me plenty warm but my toes were numb by the time I got there. Ha.

  5. Last Cookout, damn thats a sad story. The cookouts have been fun! I guess we wont be forced to eat Jeff's nasty ass cookin now though. Ha. Just messin man, I like your boogers! :lol: I'm definately gonna have to make it out for the Party at the PPP. From the pictures of the last one it looked like a blast.

    I think since this is the last cookout we should maybe try to organize a little Cornhole Tournament? We could make it a five dollar entry fee and award first place with half and give half to ohio riders or something, or we could just play for shits and giggles. Could be a single elimination or double, Im down for whatever. I will also be willing to show up early and collect money and register the teams or whatever. Hopefully we will have a decent amount of people there this Sunday so I thought this would give us something more to do and keep us entertained. Any thoughts on this? Would anyone want to be in the tournament? ?

  6. Like what I said in the other thread in meetings/events....

    How about a "parking pass type thing" i.e. a simple peice of paper that can be posted here and placed up on the dash of your car when youre pulling in. This would help control the randoms that come in. It will also make it so someone doesnt have to play bouncer all night " Are you on the list? Whats your name?" I think this would work. It could even be changed each week so people dont try to pass it on to friends so they can copy it. What do you guys think?

    By doing this you could then put up a sign that says something like " No parkng after business hours without proper permit or permission of owner. Vehicle will be towed at owner's expense." By doing this you wouldnt even have to tell the person to leave, you could if you wanted to be nice. All you would have to say is your vehicle will be towed if you do not get off my property. Once that Tow Truck pulled up they would be taken by force or they would try to take off. This would make it so the "fuck tards" know you're not messing around anymore. It also stops you from having to confront them. This way you dont have to hear, "I have three missiles and a grenade in my pocket. My wife beater is made out of kevlar too so dont fuck with me. Fuck yea I like my music loud. What you gonna do."

    Just an idea. Just trying to throw some things out there. I wouldnt have a problem helping out with the enforcement either. I call dibs on being a ninja in a Bush though!! :D

  7. How about a "parking pass type thing" i.e. a simple peice of paper that can be posted here and placed up on the dash of your car when youre pulling in. This would help control the randoms that come in. It will also make it so someone doesnt have to play bouncer all night " Are you on the list? Whats your name?" I think this would work. It could even be changed each week so people dont try to pass it on to friends so they can copy it. What do you guys think?
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