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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. So whats the story on haunted houses this year. Anyone gone to any yet? Anyone recommend one? I have gone to the Mansfield haunted prison the past two years. It is definatley worth checking out if you have never been there. Just walking through that place is pretty bad ass. I dont know if I want to drive up there though. I think I went to the Haunted Hoochie 2 or 3 years ago and I thought it sucked.

    Anyone know of a good haunted house?!?!?!?

  2. Wow, those look nothing alike, aside from the color.


    I'd buy one if I could afford it.


    Put the crack pipe down...I'd say they look very similar in these photos. But anyway, this is a Joke to price this car that high IMO

  3. I'm posting this for a friend.

    1998 Ford Escort.

    130,xxx on the body.

    He had a new, but used motor put in that has about 90,xxx on it.

    Standard transmission

    In pretty good shape he just needs to get rid of it to buy something else.

    He wants to get $1800 out of it.

    I will try to get some pictures cuz everyone knows nothing sells on here without pics. Let me know about any other questions. Thanks.

  4. 1995 Cavalier 2.3 Quad 4 HO -90,5xxx miles

    I put a new alternator on last January-2005- and I honestly havent driven the car much in the last year, untill recently. The past two months I have had it out more, like 4-5 times a week. But anyway, last friday I put another new alternator on (lifetime warranty free replacement from napa) and I think I have driven the car less than 10 times since. Last friday after putting the new one on, the little battery light was still flashing. It didnt stay on, but on the drive home it was flashing every once and a while. Last night I barely made it home cuz it died on me again. Did the same exact thing as last week when it died. I am trying to figure out why... this is all I can think of.


    1.) I switched the pully that came on it with an underdrive pully. It weighs alot less but it is a little larger in size so that would mean less revolutions. I think I'm going to start by switching back to the one that came on it.


    2.) I was in a hurry when I put it on last week with my buddy and I had him slip the belt on while I turned the automatic tensioner. I didnt really check to see how tight the belt was. Maybe the automatic tensioner is getting weak and not supplying enough pressure the keep the belt tight and give me juice? Maybe it is slipping on the crank cuz it is not tight enough?


    3.) Or maybe the wiring is bad from the alt. to the battery. But if this was the case then I figure it would not have worked for the less then 10 times I drove it this past week.


    What do you guys think? How would I Check the automatic tensioner? It did take some effort to pivot it to get the belt on. But I dont know if it is as strong as it should be. Let me know what ya think!!! THANKS

  5. Someone was looking out for ya man. Your house is close as fook to those completly destroyed houses I was just looking at on the news. When they were saying the area, I was like damn, wonder if the PPP is ok? I couldnt get my "wireless" signal to work to try and contact you. Good to hear you and the PPP are ok though. I'm looking foward to saturday, see you then man!! :cool:

  6. Damn it is gorgeous out! Anyone interested in riding tonight. I know this has been said before, but this may be one of the last warm riding days. I have to flush and the fill the coolant on the car but I am down for some riding after that. Maybe 5ish... Putty if you see this try to send out one of those mass text messages. My number is 614-746-3156, add me to the list mang. I was thinkin of meeting at the taco bell on campus, I'm down for a different location though. Let me know guys, I am leaving work so the cell would prolly be the best option for getting a hold of me. If I dont answer leave me a voice mail, I might be dirty/busy with the flush and fill. Later guys and gals! :devilzwhite:


  7. ^^ I agree. She has to be aware of some of the things he did. I'm sure she would hear him talking about his adventures with his buddies. From the way it sounds she misses her son alot, what mother wouldnt, and she simply wants to hear about the good times he had. She knows that riding made him happy and she prolly wants to hear any story of anything just to have the memories. Damn, so sad. :frown:

  8. ^^ I agree. She has to be aware of some of the things he did. I'm sure she would hear him talking about his adventures with his buddies. From the way it sounds she misses her son alot, what mother wouldnt, and she simply wants to hear about the good times he had. She knows that riding made him happy and she prolly wants to hear any story of anything just to have the memories. Damn, so sad. :frown:

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