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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Good choice..I would rather have a bike over a car anyday..
  2. http://www.irs.gov/help/article/0,,id=96730,00.html
  3. Call the IRS and talk to them. I think they would know more than anyone.
  4. From what I understand from other states, it doesn't have to be posted nor does there have to a police officer on duty to write you a ticket because the camera takes a picture of the person in the car along with the plates. I could be, and most like am, wrong about this, but this is what I have seen from other states that I have been in..
  5. Balian

    Security Alert

    Yea, they are always looking for new ways to scam us..lol
  6. Sad part is I hear that it is suppose to stabilize at 5 dollars a gallon by the end of next month. At what point are they allowed to call it price gouging?
  7. Yea, I know of a site that can get you a set, but damned if they aren't pricy..Not to mention that their customer service sucks bad. I was going to do the w41 route with my grand am as their motor produced 190HP to the wheels on the stock motor.. I doubt you will find any in a junkyard now a days. Most likely will have to keep checking e-bay or private sellers.
  8. I feel your hate and your love for the cavy..The engine is the only thing I like..I do know something about them..lol So if you need any help with the engine stuff, feel free to hit me up.
  9. Makes me want to put the cavy back together and sell it..lol
  10. Sounds good..I have about 10 programs on my computer that I am using to try this..lol I guess it is time to delete some of them now.
  11. Nothing rain gear wont fix..I have rode the buell in the rain before..works just the same.
  12. Yea Ii will have to go to their website. I use DVD Decrypter to rip the DVD to the hard drive but I couldn't get DVDshrink to work because it wouldn't recognize the file type.
  13. Yea, I have heard that DVDshrink is the best so far..And I just used the Shrinkto5 and it did exactly what I needed...Thanks guys!
  14. Cool. I will check out that program. I have been using AnyDVD..That seems to be working well also.
  15. Let me rephrase this..What I mean is that I have a program that will break the copyright encryption on the DVD allowing me to use another program that will copy the DVD to my hard drive. The problem is that it copies it as a full DVD at like 8gigs. I need to shrink it down to 4.7gigs so that I can burn it back onto a DVD. Does that help. And so far shrinkto5 seems to be working damn good..
  16. Well I am past that point.. I can break the copyright, and I can rip the files from the DVD. The problem is, when it gets it from the DVD it pulls it at the actual size of the DVD. I need to compress it down to a 4.7gig format for my DVDs just like DVDShrink does.
  17. Cause DVD shrink will not copy a sony dvd due to the copyright protection. It keeps comming up with an error that says Invalid DVD structure, or something to that extent.
  18. Yea, I already have DVD shrink. I will have to try the other one.
  19. I don't know if anyone here might be able to help, but I am looking for some software that can compress a DVD file down from the full 7 or 8 gigs to the 4.7 format. I am legally backing up my DVDs and I need some recommendations. PM me if you can help..
  20. That is totally messed up..
  21. Hey Ant..Glad to hear that it is back together. I remember a time when it ran before you started modding it..lol I am still waiting for my ride in it though..lol
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