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Everything posted by Balian

  1. I saw the weather forcast for tomorrow..Sunny and 60! Woot..I am riding...
  2. Well it seems the weather is getting nicer and nicer. I cannot wait to go riding later today or maybe tomorrow. I hope we have more of that 70 degree weather.
  3. Damn it..If I didn't know I was losing my job I would go for it.
  4. I am down for shooting this bill down also. Live in TX for a few years and that will change your mind on this subject. I don't have a problem with the legal immigrant workers, but for those who are here illegally, well that is a different story. I say give them all about 6 months to get on the right track or get the hell out. And before you ask if I have ever helped anyone get a green card, yes I have. My exgf was from Poland and she got her citizenship here in OH..It didn't take her long at all to get it, so I don't want to hear from anyone that it takes years!
  5. Balian


    So Rob..When you get this car built...How many cars am i going to need to beat you with the bike? 10? lol
  6. Well someone let me know...My bike is wasting away in the garage..lol
  7. Dude..the weather was good for a few hours..It should be okay for Saturday and Sunday. I was looking at the radar and it shows the showers are going to end tonight around 8 or 9pm and then they are gone..The only downside to Saturday is that it will barely get to 50..lol Sound like riding weather to you?
  8. Woot..I see that all of the time.
  9. Oh hell..someone please call me..lol
  10. HAHAHAHAHA..I am down for that..lol
  11. There is no way out of my apartment lease. There was a big debate about this and my lawyer even says that if it isn't written in the lease, then you have to pay their fee's. There is no state law saying they have to let you out. I wish there was though.
  12. What do you consider high mileage on a bike? My buell has 6K miles on it and it is an 04. Do you think that is high?
  13. Well I think the apartments thing was good..I didn't get evicted and they cannot screw up my good record. As far as finding another job, I see it as being a big problem because even though I have a degree in networking, no one is hiring due to the fact that all jobs now a days are being outsourced to a temp company or overseas..
  14. Yea, nice to know, eh..
  15. Yea, I know that isn't happening here. Our company is letting people go due to the fact that they are losing business..lol At least I wasn't the first to let go. The killer part is, I have been offered three jobs within the company but since I am screwed by my lease here at my apartments, I cannot move and the company wont pay to move me even though they want me. Go figure.
  16. Where is this place? I might have to stop in and have a look. I hate being bothered by the sales guy..
  17. I work for a company called TOLT. Here is the kicker. I am the only employee in OH because they picked up a few contracts with some local companies. They are based out of AZ. http://www.toltsg.com
  18. Yea, I am trying to not slack off here.
  19. How well would you work if you found out that your about to get laid off? Me, personally, I really don't feel like working hard at all.. I guess it is time to start looking for another job..
  20. What are the specs on it?
  21. Knowing my luck, someone would take a pic right as I fall or hit something..lol
  22. Woops..Didnt see your call there..
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