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Everything posted by AJ

  1. the count down is almost compleate. looks like i'll have a empty seat most of the day if anyone wants go for a ride.
  2. AJ

    Please Stop

    untill you brake it.
  3. AJ

    WTB a gun

    keeping a gun next to the bed is a bad idea, you need to keep it away so you have to get up to get it. there have been many cases where a loved one was killed because someone was woken up in the night to a noise and grabed there gun and shot. one here in ohio where a man came home late and went to bed, heard a noise and grabed his gun. saw a shadow in the hall and shot at it. he didn't know his 18 year old daughter was out with friends as her mother let her but didn't tell the dad, he though everyone was home. he is doing life in prision for her murder. on a happier note, find something that will fit in your hands well and get to know the gun at a range. you don't want your training and finial test to happen in 2 seconds if you ever need to use it. stay with a good brand weapon, Glock, S&W, Springfield, ect.
  4. AJ

    Why do

    question: why is a big deal if he sands the glaze off the brake pads on concrete? i guess it would depend on the texture on said concrete because i have sanded the glaze off of many brake pads with sand paper or 36 grit mint cookies on my cookie machine. if its something about the texture it puts on it then whats the difference between new pads and sanded pads since they are the same texture? i've never had a problem or comeback because of noise or brake failure. i guess i should go read the thread so i can see what everyone if talking about. edit: didn't read but skimed through, i'll read it tomorrow. edit 2: anyone that puts lube on the sliders (the pad shims that clip on the bracket not the pin type that go in a hole with greese and seals) is setting them self up for noise, stuck pad on one side and warped rotors. they don't do it from the factory so why would you put greese on there for dust and dirt to stick to and gum up the works?
  5. are we there yet? weather looks awesome for sunday, the morning may suck on R comps but the afternoon will be great for me.
  6. AJ

    Why do

    me??? as in a big dave???
  7. AJ

    WTB welder

    i don't think this is what you are wanting then as i would like to see 2k for it. http://store.schumachermart.com/94210.html it was $3,100 new.
  8. AJ

    LS7 cylinder sleeve.

    i'm going to call you tomorrow.
  9. AJ

    WTB welder

    i have a TIG that i would sell, i used it one time. how much are you looking to spend?
  10. AJ

    LS7 cylinder sleeve.

    can you get just one? thats all i need.
  11. AJ


  12. i need a LS7 cylinder sleeve. i am having a hard time finding one.
  13. i had a problem with my 92' running hot. a radiator flush took care of all my problems.
  14. we signed her up in FS since thats where her car is classed. it looks like i have to work when she is driving, i'm going to try and see if i can switch with someone so i can ride. if not than its all on you, that may be better anyways as she doesn't like driving when i'm in the car with her.
  15. if obama is voted in alot of the tax he will increase will be going to secret service to keep him alive.
  16. PM her and tell her that too. she said shes not ready and didn't want to look stupid and that the test and tune next year is where she wants to first run. i told her this is the best time to try it and everyone has to start somewhere.
  17. i'm in. i am trying to get Ashley to sign up but she is being a wimp about it.
  18. can has post my monkey?
  19. that was an awesome move on your part:rolleyes:
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