the part of the helmet that sticks out past your face is going to push your head back more than the air bag alone. why don't you see air bags in any form of pro racing if it would be safer for the driver in a crash?
thats how series works, battery feed to device (+), device (-) to other device (+) and other device (-) to ground.
low speed = relay 1 and 2 off and relay 3 on.
high speed = relay 1, 2 and 3 on.
it still have 12v its just run is series insted of parallel the amps are just cut in half to run the fans slower. the 3rd relay turns it on and off from series to parallel.
Jason, i found out how to get you 100% traction from a roll and maybe even after 60ft.
please notice the rear attachment of the car.
you can buy it for $25,000 used.