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Everything posted by HotCarl
It's a really expensive steak house up by crosswoods 270/23 area. I've never been there but i think all their food is served A La Carte', as in, if you want mashed patatos as a side you have to pay for them seperatly, as with steak, etc... Again i've never been there before so i could be thinking of a different restaurant.
My friend serve's there. It's definitly not a stop and grab type of restaurant. I'd say if you consider this, plan on spending over 100 for a couple and sitting down for 2+ hours. hope you have alot to talk about.
Why are you dead set on a brand new cbr1000? i was just out at honda motorsports saturday, they had some nice new cbr1k's out, sorry i couldn't recite their sticker price though.
Plus it's new and it would be out of price range (25k ceiling). Have you thought about an MR? Sure it may be a bit much of a race car for daily driving but hell, your coming from a modded 1g what could be worse? I think it would satisfy the need for a decently quick daily with a large base of modification's to choose from when your ready. Only problem would be finding one under 25k. I just bought an 04 jetta w/ 22k on it. It's a 4 cylinder automatic. i bought this car with the sole intention NOT to modify it, no matter what, it will be slow. but its comfy and it gets great gas mileage, in a year or two i'll buy a bike or another dsm to have fun in. It was just time to make a "grown up" decision to buy a dependable car. Those days of changing alternator's in the middle of a downpour in the parking lot at work are over. god i hated my dsm.
Evo or G35. Look at it this way, buy the evo keep it stock a few years, after it's paid off, buy another daily driver and mod the evo. Besides payments for an Evo are gonna be a hell of alot cheaper than a G35, weren't you planning on purchasing a house?
Does anyone know of an auto information website that could provide things like Gas mileage, bhp, torque, etc... on several different makes and models, old and new? Websites like KBB dont seem to provide that information.
Same here. i use to bust my ass in a warehouse, and then working at a Ford Service department... i visited my old job at Graham today, it was a fucking furnace. I love coming to the office and beeing cool all day.
the w.g. griners at smokey and hard is hiring and they pay there drivers something crazy like 12$ per hour. im guessing you work at the same place.
"lets cruise by this junior high school to check out all the hot chicks...." i shit you not my in car teacher said this to me.
Motorola Q = 1.11 nice.
Yes but can't you buy a similar displacement bike and modify it to those goals for cheaper than 65k???
Just be thankful you had good conversation. there's nothing worse than a date who DOESN'T TALK. If you think it went well, why dont you think there will be a second? the balls in her court to call you? should've taken the initiative and said you'd contact her, but never know maybe all is not lost?
I just had a discussion with a good friend of mine who is a member of the Ohio National Gaurd. The conversation got on the topic of israel and whats going on between them Syria, Hezbollah, and Iran. We got on the topic of proportional response and i told him he had to admit, that it was overkill to send over jets on bombing sorti's in southern lebanon just because two soldiers were kidnapped. (Please dont mistake my language, kidnapped soldiers should've been a top priority but not to the point you risk the lives of more and more soldiers and non-combatants in order to do so) He tried saying that Israel sent over a special forces group and one tank. The groups was killed and the tank was destroyed and that's what sparked the air offensive from israel. Now i've been following this fairly closely (at least more so than the average person i'd like to think so) and not one time have i heard anything of an Israeli tank being destroyed and a group of SF going down with it. He said he found out about it from some sort of military communication (ie, scuttlebug/rumors). But this isnt exactly the first time that a rumor was started in order to justify an action taken ive heard of such cases before. Now im not dumb, if there was a special forces operation that the israeli government didnt want people to know about im sure no one would know about it. But they have gotten alot of flak about a proportional response, wouldnt you think they would've cited such an action in order to justify their response? Not trying to start up a debate in what is right or wrong about what is going on over there. just trying to get some information on how it all started. discuss.
Leilani you might want to state what the starting pay is for the telemarketing position.
As the title states, this problem occured merging onto 270 yesterday after work. Obviously it was the 3-4 shift for some reason just wouldn't go into 4th. Same thing occured on my way to work today so i just kept my speed at about 60 and that would work. On the way home tonight, it slipped going from 2-3 and would hardly stay in 4th. On a SLIGHT uphill grade i had to go 50 mph on 270 b/c it just wouldn't accelerate, every time i tried it felt like it would slip. Anyone have ANY ideas? I have a hookup at a ford dealership but i'd like to get some sort of clue what it could be before i go in and talk to my guy. 00 contour 4 cylinder/ 4 speed Auto thanks in advance... -Ryan
might want to state whether or not its a 4 or V6.
I believe this is correct, 400/per person tested. Though the lawsuit has not gone through, the payoff im sure will be much larger. not that it matters. From what little i know of the case there will be lasting damages for decades.
My brother's girlfriend did the same thing, got money for her, her kid, and her mom. Of course they went out and spent it on a new tv but thats besides the point, their from WV what do you expect? I absolutly agree with you. But the general public doesn't want to address these issue's for the simple fact that the majority of their mindset is "if it doesn't affect me, then i dont give a shit". Thats why bullshit like Lance Bass putting from the ruff makes the news these days. And i agree with you, its sad when a giant news conglomerate like CNN would rather report that than more important public health issues. I read CNN.com every day and not once have i seen a story about any of this, which is sad really. In the case of the DuPonte plant, who is to blame? to company for these crimes or the people for not caring. At least they didnt care until there was money involved.
http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/07/26/people.lancebass.ap/index.html Lance Bass is gay. Just waiting for the other 3 to come out now.
Wasnt she thinking of going NASCAR?
Their located in westerville, i had a good friend who was a dj there. As for chill music, i'd say anything along the lines of Coldplay (though not a HUGE fan) jack johnson, Ben Harper thats really all i know of off the top of my head.
he speaks the truth. for 3 years right out of high school i worked in a warehouse, making a bit of change, great benefits but no doubt busted my ass every fucking night (5pm-3.30am) for bosses and supervisors who could give a shit less about what a union peeon did. It's an ok life for some guys but i took it to heart when my mom sat me down one day and said that i need to pick a job/career in which i use my head every day, not my muscles to pick up boxes all day. Since then i left there jumped from shitty job to shitty job and now work in the corporate world, have my own desk, phone, etc... yeah i may just be a corporate grunt, on the bottom rung of the latter. But i'd much rather be a grunt here than where i was 2 years ago. im 22 and have a decent job and a great life and still have my whole life ahead of me, if i want to go back to school i will, if i want to travel i will. quit being so damn depressed about it.
If your talking about Infantry? garanteed if your deployed to a combat zone. My best friend is a combat engineer (21E, correct me if im wrong) and going to sapper school this year. Just so you know, combat engineer is like one step above infantry. If he gets deployed he will definitly be shot at and do alot of shooting back. Lustalbert is a sapper (or at least it says so in his sig) he'd be able to explain sapper/combat engineering better. I was suppose to go in with my friend under the 'buddy system', had they not found out i had a family history of heart disease i'd be wearing a uniform today. I know of plenty of guys who are a hell of alot less healthy than i was at that time who have been or are in the armed forces. I just regret telling the truth. Launchinin1st: tell your friend he might want to look at an MOS with more training and that has some sort of civilian counterpart job. Even if he says in the army he can always switch his MOS to something more exciting, but if he doesnt like it at least he can walk away with some sort of training that he can apply to the outside world.
Pure Comedic Genius.
So I turn 21 tomorrow. What do I want to drink?
HotCarl replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
Listen Archie, im not about to highjack some guy's thread with petty E-arguments about who is "harder" than whom and who's a toughguy or not. If you'd like to continue this argument PM me or take it elsewhere. However i do feel the need to reply to some of your comments, if you'd like to take it further... be courtious and do it elsewhere. I will call you out on this. You seem very sure (or is it ignorant?) about your assumption's of who i am. I could care fucking less who you think i am or what kind of person you think i may or may not be. You want to try to call me out for not being hard b/c i dont know what a fucking shot is? give me a god-damned break. So not being a closet alcoholic makes me a pussy? fuck off asshole. Just curious how many people do you actually know from the great state of NY? Obviously not many b/c where im from my friends and family are not shy about calling out someone on some stupid ignorance that seems to be spewing from the urinal you like to call a mouth. Ok i will attest that making moral assumptions about your sister was a little offhand, i will apologize for confusing your non-exsistance sister with your whore-monger mother. You know that shit has to be loose after squeezing out such a big head as said ignorant prick. And the comment of a 22 year-old "adult" from dublin? I'll try not to backtrack but where i take my residence currently should have no effect as to the person i am. I enjoy it b/c i dont have to deal with petty crimes that seem to plague other areas of the city. pretty simple no? And dont even try to defend the fact that westerville is a tough place to over come many of societies many obsticle's.After all we all know how tought the street of westerville can be. /end