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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Actually there's been evidence since that theory that suggests we all aren't...
  2. Saw this sort of thing all the time when I lived in CA. black and hispanic groups always after each other. Like it was some rediculous fight over who belonged here more and who was the biggest minority. There's a ton of philipino and thai gangs out there also but they usually fight amongst each other.
  3. Maybe cuz you weren't looking. In my 4 days one time I was in London I saw several people get pulled over for speeding in the Birmingham area and an old man and his sons get pulled over, put against wall, searched, questioned and had their car gone over inside and out during a random "terrorist search". This was before 9/11. Isn't anecdotal evidence great... You must have missed my stat about speeding alone counting for at least 30% (from the NTSB) of traffic fatalities. It's not just about "easy revenue". It's easy to brush off things as rediculous when you don't understand why...
  4. Holy shit!!!! Riding 90-95 on that little 250 that owners typically report ~100MPH being top speed on? There's the problem! That wasn't oil, that poor little bike was bleeding to death!!!!!!
  5. I did read it, now go back and read mine. I said you deserved the ticket not just for speeding, but speeding when and where you did. That made you a dipshit... Let me help you a bit, drunk driving accounts for about 40% of fatal accidents, 30% from just speeding alone and 33%+ from reckless driving. Oh wait but but but Fusion that's 103+%. Yeah speeding is involved in a great number of reckless driving accidents so some of those numbers blur a little. So guess what, if you really look at the numbers you stand as great a chance (more than likely greater) of killing someone while speeding and talking on your phone or changing the station or... and then let's add to that not signaling catching someone off guard while you're speeding...
  6. Uh you're still required to signal by law. Don't want to get pulled over? Don't give them a reason to.
  7. You can bitch about anything you want. Not much of a fair bitch though. 16 over, expecially at that time of night more than a decent reason to pull him over.
  8. You guys bitching about this "drunk hunting" are rediculous. Seriously. Despite what you may think, must drunks aren't easily identifiable while driving. They AREN'T swerving all over the road making it obvious most of the time. Cops use other stops around bar hours in an attempt to catch drunks. And 16 over in an area with bars around closing time? You were begging to be pulled over. You deserved the ticket just for being a dipshit.
  9. OK so more like out his ass... http://www.fartingpreacher.org/index.php?action=showpic&cat=25&pic=64
  10. Good time for me to join in on this I guess. The fact that this is a "white only" tree is a subject of debate. Whites just so happen to sit there a majority of the time. People (especially youth) tend to self segregate with people they have something in common with. Race, skin color, religion are all divisions that are constantly acted on. The tree is aplace where mostly white kids happen to sit. The principal tried to expel the kids that hung the nooses but the superintendent reduced it to the suspension. I was really confused as to why until I saw a comment posted by a student at Jenna that said the nooses where hung as part of a hang'em high (cowboy themed) prank related to an upcoming game against a rival school. Apparently this common area commonly has this sort of thing going on although I'm sure nooses haven't been hung there before. I guess this tree is in the center of that courtyard. This just adds to confusion I suppose but could explain why it was reduced. see above. also it's been said that there isn't a connection between the nooses and the jumping. The media and others (guess who) seem to be drawing the connection rather baselessly. Read above again. It's not as clear cut and jumping to conclusions. 1) The kid that got jumped didn't have anything to do with the nooses. 2) I read an account that claimed the black kid that it's suggested had the nooses against (couldn't think of a better way to put it) was trying to pull the Jena6 off the kid getting jumped. 3) There's plenty of accounts of white people being tried and convicted with attempted murder (with a deadly weapon) for beat downs just like this. 3 a) If you shoot at someone and miss, they may be uninjured but your still guilty of attempted murder. The amont of damage done in the attack has nothing to do with the charge. 3 b) 6 guys, continuing to to beat someone can be cause for attempted murder charges. Continuing to beat them after they are unconscious only gives more weight to it. 4) All 6 of these kids should go to prison for a short time. A beating is a beating and rightfully is against the law. There's more but I'll leave it for another response I think.
  11. So Nick called to let me know my little post blew up a litle...niiiiiice. I've been sick and busy all week, home resting today. I'm going to try and make it depending on how I feel in the morning. Would be cool to at least ride up and meet some more of you, join for a bit and then head back.
  12. Oh shit that hurts... I hate cats but the invisible ones are too damn funny.
  13. So the last time I was out was with ninjanick and eflores. Good guys, fun ride. Last half the ride the whole backend felt a little funny. Turns out I was slowly losing tire pressure. Great excuse to dump the stockies and get some Pilot Powers. Now I just need to break 'em in.
  14. I don't like it as much as the 1000RR but I like it. Like everyone else the only things that really make me cringe are the front signals and the exhaust. The tail looks really, really high too almost odd but not too bad.
  15. Sorry man. They move and shift locations of nucs way more often than you know. The movement, actual location and next location are all classified and for good reason. I'll just leave it at that.
  16. .... hahahahahahhaha! Damn that's funny.
  17. ....hahahahahahahahhahahaha....
  18. Nuclear warheads are transported across the US constantly and you don't know it.
  19. Yeah yeah yeah I was trying to keep it simple mister wordy pants.
  20. Hahahaha wonder what's going through the dogs head. They are traveling kind of in an arch (parabola). The "weightless" portion is the section of decent.
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