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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Nah that's just a man in denial. That's one of those "I know you are but what am I" type responses so he doesn't have to face the truth. I would post pictures as proof but for 2 reasons: 1) No one on this board other than nther91 wants to see my junk. 2) I would have to photoshop out his mom before posting them out of respect for her before throwing them out there.
  2. I thought the schedule on Sportsline said June 30th 2-3 EDIT: http://www.sportsline.com/cbssports/schedules/page/spectaculars
  3. Vote for the only one worth riding of course...the Honda! I think I saw Ben post that you could vote multiple times if you have multiple bikes, not sure though.
  4. Definitely. If I fell into a butt load of cash I would definitely have to get that orange one though.
  5. You know...my dick just isn't small enough to justify buying a Busa or a ZX14.
  6. Does it mean you've smoked so much that you've fried your brain, forget to shower and now you're stink is out of control and you could use some deodorant?
  7. Oh so that's what they do while their roommates are using the room and getting some.
  8. I cringe every time I see that one.
  9. That kid in the beginning isn't being choked. He's being held at the neck, yes there is a difference. Oh and it's a boy...named Jarad. The kid standing spouting off says "he" over and over. The kids that try to run are lucky they didn't get picked up and thrown to the ground quickly and cuffed while they took care of the others. Being 13 doesn't excuse you from the law or stopping when an officer yells at you. Being 13 and not listening to the cop when he wants to talk probably means you need to learn a lesson, because your parents are apparently doing a pretty shitty job raising you.
  10. You can get those speeds....they just want you to pay for it. Commercial companies could easily afford to upgrade backbones in the US for even more but don't want to have to. Fortunately you have companies that are trying to push faster access with services like Verizon's FiOS. Sure you still pay a good amount for faster access but it's way cheaper then trying to get those speeds through someone else. Unfortunately these services aren't in enough areas, but once they are you'll see even faster speeds and lower prices due to competition.
  11. Wow anyone have a link to this story? It's real weird the cop goes right up, sprays the driver and turns and walks away. That's definitely not normal. Would be nice to see more from the beginning at least.
  12. Unfortunately there's no video before the picture of him with his hand on her neck. If the kid caught attitude and started getting mouthy and resisting...all those kids are screwed video or not. All those kids are coming up on the officer while he's arresting another...that was their mistake. Listen to the video in the beginning. The cop is calm and basically telling the kid whats up and the kid isn't denying it. Sounds like the cop was calling them to stop and talk to them and maybe even just going to tell them to take a hike and not to be riding their boards there. Then it sounds like the one kid told the rest to ignore him and keep going...stupid from the get go. Sounds like the kid was a moron and got what he deserved. Cops don't make laws, they enforce them. Sure there are dicks that take it overboard, but I don't see it in this case.
  13. fusion


    The farmer should have put a bullet in him.
  14. fusion


    Yeah looks like there is going to be another season. "Stunt bike rider Jason Britton returns for another jaw-dropping season of Super Bikes! New season premieres Wednesday, July 11th at 8pm ET. "
  15. fusion


    Ah ok. I thought I was completely not getting it. Well I guess I kind of wasn't.
  16. fusion


    Got that. Just didn't get the Chevy Blazer part. They make 17" 300 Sportblike tires they have been putting on Busa's and zx14s for a while. I had read somewhere they were stretching 17s to fit 18s to keep the sb tires on the larger rims as well.
  17. fusion


    Chevy Blazer tire?
  18. OK there MIGHT be a FEW exceptions.
  19. fusion

    Oh my...

    That's disturbing, wrong and funny as shit at the same time.
  20. I knew there would be a ton of Suzuki's since it's the squid bike of choice, but I thought there would be a good number more Yamahas. The Kawi number is no surprise, they sell a ton of those 250s.
  21. I'd feel a bit bad for you, but I can't believe you did that to a Honda and a 600RR at that. j/k Good to hear you're not too bad off. Could have been a lot worse. Take the time to heal and you'll be back on in no time.
  22. Welcome to the site!
  23. fusion

    New Busa

    Welcome to the site!
  24. Just got back from a little ride, 45-50 miles. Bellbrook, Lytle, Waynesville out to Middletown and 48 back here to C'ville. Not bad at all. It was a little sprinkly until I got a little farther south, but the roads were pretty great.
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