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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Actually after looking at the Ohio State Law under 4511 and what the DMV says..they both state the eye protection required and say nothing about a windscreen. The only place that seems to suggest windscreen might be an exception are motorcycle related sites but I can't find where they might have gotten that from.
  2. I think it's safe to assume the windscreen has to be high enough to protect the eyes. Hence the phrase Eye Protection...
  3. The spirit of the law has nothing to do with protection, but with how a law is executed verses how it's written. Spirit of the law vs. letter of the law. While I'm not overly familiar with Columbus, she states, "As soon as we got to 270 on 23, he pulled over..." Sounds to me like they had been at speed and where continuing at speed for more than a quick light-to-light jaunt. Even then you're required to close your visor (at least to cover the eyes) when in motion. So to bitch when you get pulled over for it is nothing more than whining like a child. Unless you're just ranting to blow off steam of course. What amazes me so much about this thread is all the crying over a simple WARNING. I've known a great deal of cops as well over the years and only one has been like you describe. Needless to say we didn't hang out with him much. Yup you got me. Just because I don't see this as harassment I blindly follow the government. Not sure what you meant by "hackness" though.
  4. I think the current Ohio law is fine for helmets. Minors (under 18) and first year licensed riders wear helmets and after that let the rider decide. A rider at least has to know there's a risk riding without a helmet and most riders won't understand that first day on a bike. Unfortunately there's too many riders that aren't smart enough to ever get it. I saw something earlier in the thread so I'll add, in most states motorcycle laws apply to scooters as well. That includes licensing. I also think MSF should be mandatory for all riders before they get their license.
  5. Damn whats with you people and these large ass, barely readable paragraphs???? The cop did follow the "spirit of the law". Had he pulled the guy over for merely lifting his visor to talk to his buddy at a light, then he would have been an asshole. I willing to bet had this been a post about a guy riding with his visor open, catching a bug, rock or some piece of debris in the eye and swerving, running his fellow riders off the road and plowing into a an oncoming car killing the driver... the comments would be different. Yes you can easily kill someone at 40MPH. You guys sound like a bunch of teenagers feeling like they are being hassled by the man.
  6. A few of us tried earlier in the year to get a group going out there occasionally. There didn't seem to be a lot of interest though.
  7. I've read a few articles on the Cub in the past couple of years. It's insane how many have been sold world wide and how many are still on the road.
  8. Wow... OK I'll address the easy one. Did he lie under oath...heh maybe. I think it's more important to consider what he lied about. I'm sure it was worth all the time, money and effort that congress put into it and if I remember correctly Congress acquitted him. As for his law license, Clinton agreed to a 5 year suspension of his license to help bring the Whitewater investigation to an end. That was 2001, as of 2006 he has been eligible again to rejoin the bar.
  9. I'm not sure how it wasn't obvious then. - We diverted resources before things were stable again in Afghanistan to go into Iraq. - We diverted resources from going after terrorist orgs to go into Iraq. - It has been well known we have issues with Saudi Arabia well before 9/11 and going into Iraq. I thought it was the "War Against Terror"... You just described 95% of the people who vote and 99% of the people who get voted into office. Part of encouraging people to vote is also encouraging people to really understand the issues.
  10. Bah! Vote the issues period. Vote the candidate that represents you the best. Voting towards the center didn't have anything to do with giving us the Clintons. Voting will constantly slide back forth as long as we have two large worthless parties like the democrats and republicans. I'm not even going to address the Clinton being handed Osama on a silver platter bit. It's obvious at this point you listen to too much talk radio. Even if Osama had been captured or killed during the Clinton administration, guess what? A "9/11" still would have happened. There's always someone eager to take that role. EDIT: Almost forgot....encourage everyone to vote! The turn out is ridiculously low i the U.S.
  11. lol I knew that would get you. Anyway. We had no business going into Iraq the way we did. We should have finished the job in Afghanistan, continued to go after Terrorist organizations and put a massive amount of pressure on Saudi Arabia.
  12. Didn't we determine ages ago there weren't WMDs and declare victory?
  13. I saw a speed interview with this guy during the GP races. I think he specified sportbikes. I'll have to watch it again. I think they also said they planned on producing 10 of these in the near future. They did admit that doing everything on the computer was one thing and actually getting it test real world is another. So it seems they aren't sure themselves how it really will perform once it's on the track.
  14. to the forum and congrats on the . I'll add to saying that the MSF course is something I would suggest taking.
  15. fusion


    That's what the power switch is for. I like to call it the anti-nag feature.
  16. fusion


    I'm actually piecing together cables and what not so i can mount it to the bike up front when I need to. There definitely must be some improvements in the new units. We haven't encountered any static yet. So far the greatest distance we been from each other has been just over a 1/4 mile and it still worked well. I'll have to see if we can test just how far we stretch it. Her unit is supposed to be 2 miles and mine 5.
  17. lol I didn't think they were doing anything with the ZX14 since they have the Concours (sp?) release.
  18. fusion


    Well with the wife riding now we went ahead and had some Chatterbox's thrown in with the bike. I figured it would be good for long rides and to help her out as she learns to ride. So far they work great. I've been able to ride all afternoon setting the sensitivity on the voice activation just once and had it work well up through 70 MPH. Installing the ear pieces, mic and chatterbox unit was simple and only took about 10 mins per helmet. The only thing that stays on my helmet when not using it is a black clip that the unit slides onto. I haven't tried running an MP3 player or my cell through it yet. So far they are working much better than expected.
  19. Gary, IN is a shit hole. It's not surprising you'd find something as retarded as this from there.
  20. fusion


    You're confused because you're pronouncing it wrong. It's Whoolie... that help?
  21. You know you're getting nothing done when you can find stuff like this... http://www.mikewang.org/images/chimgam9.swf
  22. yeah couldn't stifle the laugh at work quite enough on that one. Funny shit. Of course now my co-workers are slightly concerned because of the odd noises coming from my cube.
  23. Spend of my bike related forum time here on OhioRiders.net cbrforum.com 600rr.net sherdog.com photography-on-the.net modelmayhem.com There's probably a couple dozen others I drop in on randomly.
  24. fusion

    New Ride

    Nice bike! Congrats!
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