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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion


    to the board!
  2. fusion


    I talked to one of the guys here and he said most do it to get the extra mileage out of a tire. Here's a few links on Valkyrie tires if anyone is interested in knowing more: [url:134d3]http://www.rattlebars.com/valkfaq/[/url:134d3] [url:134d3]http://lifeisaroad.com/stories/2004/10/27/theDarkSide.html[/url:134d3] [url:134d3]http://www.valkyrieriders.com/shoptalk/CarTire/home.htm[/url:134d3]
  3. fusion


    Don't see the problem with the triple pipes either. I have a friend with Valk I can ask about the car tire bit when he gets in here to work. He doesn't run his like that, but I'm sure he might know why some do.
  4. fusion


    Not sure what the WTF is for, but... If it's the tire that's rather common on Valkyries. I've seen more than a few with a car tire on the rear.
  5. Little bitch messed the whole damn move up... she was supposed to land on her feet...
  6. to the board. Oh and you might have heard...
  7. I can get there at 6:30. You guys planning on meeting up anywhere?
  8. What time are you guys heading over?
  9. fusion


    That would be cool to check out sometime. [url:f4fcc]http://www.myspace.com/oxf[/url:f4fcc]
  10. fusion


    You can hit it heading down Alex Bell and across Wilmington. Where's Fort Ancient? Never heard of it. Mixed Martial Arts. I'm sure you've heard of UFC or PrideFC.
  11. I would love to have a black 1000 R Factory. The Italians definitely know how to make them sexy..
  12. fusion


    lol I like to shoot just about everything, but mainly bikes, MMA fights, and women There are some spots out near Bellbrook that would be great for this. The problem is the roads are real narrow so you have to be careful. Anytime you want some shots let me know. Especially if its when I have a nicer lens on me.
  13. You'll be able to find more gixxers for that much than CBRs. The GSXR wont last as long but parts are cheap since they don't hold their value as well. Not too mention there are a million squids destroying or bailing on their flagship bike.
  14. fusion


    The D70s a great cam. I'm saving for glass too. Right now I rent glass when I need it. I'm shooting MMA fights on the 19th so I just rent and just got delivered a Canon 24-70 2.8L. I love this lens. Unfortunately I can't afford the $1200 for just the lens to buy it. My avatar was shot with the 24-70. The other lens I want is 70-200 2.8 and is around $1500. Of course I have to balance that with things I want for the bike and then decide if I want to feed the kids or not. lol OK so maybe not in that order.
  15. fusion


    I would have gone Tuesday but just got back in town and was too jet lagged to even think. I have shot some at Kil Kare and Mid Ohio of the bikes on the tracks but not the stunters. Nick and I were talking today about going up there so we will all have to meet up. What camera are you using? Here are a few...I need to get a better lens for this type of work For now I'm shooting with my Canon 20D. Hoping to get a 30D or even a 1D Mark III. How close can you get to shoot there?
  16. fusion

    bike ad

    Oh shit that's funny.
  17. I definitely agree with you on the no religion in politics. It has no place, but you said bi-partisan. Bi is two. Everyone assumes views can be broken down into just two distinct sets of views. Americans shouldn't look at things in that manner. People should be voting the candidates stance on issues not whether he/she is a dem or repub. The large political parties are practically organized religions these days... Oh and I want to be able to vote none of the above on my ballot and I want those numbers reported with the rest of the counts.
  18. Will definitely be interesting. Unfortunately having to major parties is what is part of what is hurting America. Every issue gets polarized and the politicians are like children and have to have it their way. Right now I'm voting for Obama or myself.
  19. The military does issue Military Drivers licenses for special government vehicle's, I have about a half dozen vehicle's on mine. Definitely. I had several on mine as well when I was in. Mostly because I taught patient transport when I was a Cadre.
  20. Yep, but once my Texas license expired, my military ID was what I would show when I got pulled over. It was hit or miss whether the cop would want to see the expired one. . What I should have said is your military ID is used as an extension of your expired license .( or something to that effect). That's cool it sounds like he just let you slide. Sometimes they will go easy on you when you PCS and your license expires.
  21. You crack me up man. They are pretty reliable. If you doubt their claim you can usually check the references they list at the bottom of each Snope. Here's another for you if that's not enough. [url:9fc4b]http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_barack_obama_muslim.htm[/url:9fc4b]
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