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Everything posted by fusion

  1. The military doesn't issue a driver's license. Your military ID allows you to operate a vehicle on public roads. I know they don't... I'm ex-military and no your military ID doesn't let you operate a vehicle on public roads not even base ones. You still have to have a valid state issued drivers license.
  2. Seriously man come on..... [url:d5f68]http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/muslim.asp[/url:d5f68]
  3. Look I can see letting you off for just a minor speeding infraction or any other single simple violation. But damn man...you listed like 10. I'm curious, are you still in the Marines? I'm trying to figure out how you advertise you are (ex-)military when you get pulled over...
  4. I know you're kidding but the fact you even asked scares me.
  5. Sorry that should be focus to the Username field when the login page loads.
  6. You guys have to actually win first. You guys do have Fabien Foret currently ranked 2nd WSS (World Supersport). He's French though so I expect him to give up and throw up the old white flag at some point.
  7. Definitely better hope the next cop isn't having a slow night and feels like doing his/her job. With that list of violations you listed you ride with daily(?) you're practically asking for it. I know a few cops that would have just given you a warning UNTIL they came across all the other stuff. Of course the rule is..don't give them a reason to pull you over and they won't. Well most of the time anyway.
  8. Well since you asked Breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.[/*:m:794c5] Focus to the user name when the login page loads.[/*:m:794c5] The ability to mark (sub) forums as read again.[/*:m:794c5] Message preview when moused over an item. Can't remember if there's a plug in for this for phpBB.[/*:m:794c5] I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought about it. Ok forget "The ability to mark (sub) forums as read again." I found it. I need more coffee.
  9. Well since you asked Breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.[/*:m:3786f] Focus to the user name when the login page loads.[/*:m:3786f] The ability to mark (sub) forums as read again.[/*:m:3786f] Message preview when moused over an item. Can't remember if there's a plug in for this for phpBB.[/*:m:3786f] I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought about it.
  10. Bulletin Board Code. It's markup that uses square brackets. It's similar to html markup. You can use it to control what you see and how you see things in a post. For example, the quote tags you see when quoting someone. This tells the server to format whats in between those tags a certain way.
  11. fusion


    Yeah I shoot with a DSLR and rent Pro lenses when I need to. I try to get in as much shooting as I can when I have them. lol Dayton's a bit of a ride just to get a few pics though. More than happy to shoot them if I'm free and you're around though.
  12. fusion


    Cool. Wish I could, but I have to make class tomorrow night. I'm definitely up for heading out there sometime this summer though. I appreciate the invite. We'll have to meet up sometime for sure.
  13. fusion


    Anyone know where any stunters hang/practice in Dayton? Ones that would be cool with someone hanging out shooting photos... Just trying to get out and shoot different things. I'm shooting MMA fights on the 19th and thought I'd keep withthe action them and find some stunters to shoot as well over the next couple of weeks and later this summer.
  14. Damn that shit is nice. Dual exhaust and everything!
  15. fusion


    to the board! Errrr that damn song is stuck in my head.....
  16. Bah I can't believe didn't see this earlier lol. WD-40 can be used just fine on chains. The O-rings (which are "prelubricated") are sealed by rubber and won't be harmed by it. I use WD-40 to clean my chain before lubing it. It works great and it's quick. It's easier to store, handle and get then kerosene also.
  17. "How am I supposed to put my bell and basket on this?"
  18. Nice bike congrats... silver is easily the fastest color.
  19. Huh? It doesn't have a full lower fairings, but it's far from naked. heheheheheheh he said naked.
  20. Congrats! Awesome bike man you'll love it.
  21. I've read the (2006?) Prius didn't get any better gas mileage then it's siblings, but I hadn't read it was worse than SUVs ... I wouldn't be surprised though. Here's that article if anyone's interested Prius Outdoes Hummer in Environmental Damage http://clubs.ccsu.edu/recorder/editoria ... NewsID=188 I might have to ride out there this weekend and check it out.
  22. Hey my brother has that civic. It's definately a different kind of car. Now, don't forget my point on inflation Ben. My next vehicle is either going to be a V8 Tundra or Mustang GT. I don't know yet. Probably the Toyota Tundra because of bike towing, and hauling shit in the bed. It'd be more right for us. Nice. I've considered a Tundra as our next vehicle also for the same reason. They have a red Crewmax I think it is in the showroom at the dealer up by the Dayton Mall. You would think it should come with the sidestep standard which I thought was odd. Are the Hybrids still several thousand more than the regular one? If so it would take along while to save money driving one instead of the normal Civic. Of course it would still be better for the environment than the alternative. The wife got a Scion Xa to trek back and forth in and she's been averaging 34-36 mpg. Neat little cars.
  23. beat me to it. I tried to edit my last post real quick to explain it a bit better.
  24. Yeah it's an induction loop. Just like I said :tongue: Conductive metals also interfere with the field. This is how metal detectors work. I guess I kind of mixed the use here. The 9th grade was an awful long time ago. You know the stupid little experiment wrapping wire and passing it through a magnet (or bar magnet through coiled wire)...same type of thing.
  25. I believe most are induction coils. When another "magnet" passes over the coil it causes the the field around the induction coil to collapse resulting in an electrical discharge. Car and bike engines both create fields, but often times the bike field isn't large (or close) enough to trigger it. It's been a while so I could be a bit off.
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