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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. Ho...Ho..I am at work.....

    My story......Well....I started from Cleveland at ~5PM......on 271 south just after peninsula/306 exit I saw the rain/thunder.....pulled onto the shoulder to put the rainsuit on......man the rain came fast and hard.....I got lil wet even before I was done...anyway.....I saw the cars slowed down to 45-50 as it was pouring real hard.......the blinding rain eased up after about 5 miles..still pretty hard and slowed me down to ~75. Finally near after ~50 miles, around Ashland I saw blue sky.....reached wings and rings around 7.40. Man helluva good time......my eating drinking (in order)




    Diet Coke


    Then the interesting eat:

    10 Specially made to order Nuclear Wings (not on the menu) man....hats off, this is the hottest wings (not pepper) I have ever eaten in my interesting life. I eat the Quaker Lube and steak atomics all the time (150,000 -300,000 scoville units depending on batch). I finished the nuclears without a sweat but lot of tears and runny nose....met the chef and he told that the secret sauce he uses is ~5 million scoville, they get it from New Orleans, and he used about 1/4th of it that is 1.25 million and that is about 5 to 7 times hotter than the atomic sauce of quaker lube and steak. Haha funny thing is I ate it free, they did not charge me for that.

    Gyro Quesadilla

    Three more diet cokes

    One glass of water

    I was all by myself in this man vs food at the bar....took me almost an hour to finish it.......didn't get a certificate though......:(

    Anyway we then socialized at the parking lot....many of the ladies were dancing with the band....but did not see a single guy.....so did not want to look like a sexual predator......next time guys.....

    LMAO. I hear ya man.

  2. Actually any division by zero, to a mathematician, is simply undefined.

    Your example makes sense, but runs smack into the unyielding definitions

    of mathematics. Mathematicians it seems are not very flexible on this


    The definition of division states: a/b = c if and only if c x b = a. In

    other words, if you cannot reverse a division by multiplication it does

    not fit the definition. It is a problem.

    Division by zero fails the definition because, if b =0, then any c will

    do since b x c = 0 and you can't get back to the original, a.

    4/0 = anything. Anything x 0 = 0 and we can never recover the 4, even

    if the answer were infinity, so division by zero is outside the

    definition or is undefined.

    As for 0/0, you can use any number for the answer, c, and it will

    satisfy the definition. You may say infinity, and I will say 11 43/52.

    Can we both be right? (infinity x 0 = 0 and 11 43/52 x 0 = 0) And

    anyway, isn't anything divided by itself supposed to equal 1?? Oh oh.

    Since the conflicts cannot be solved, division by zero is ignored as

    being "undefined". And in many cases it does violate the definition of

    division as we see above.

    Having said that, 1/x approaches infinity as x decreases to near zero,

    but if x ever exactly gets to equal zero, the answer becomes undefined.

    I figured I'd suck all the fun out of absolutly nothing by posting this! :lol:

    :wtf: Gee Thanks!!!


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