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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. This IS and WAS a VERY successful forum, even before you joined and got neg repped.

    Just suck it up and deal. A little negative rep isnt the end of you eworld.

    It blows my mind how much everyone has been bitching about rep lately. Quit yer cryin people. It doesnt mean anything. It just shows you if people agree with you or if they dont. Thats it. It doesnt mean you get less cookies.

    Well, shit... I didn't get ANY cookies.... :(

  2. Ahhh man, well now I know who I need to call for bail money :) But yes, just ordered a pocket holster.

    Good, glad you went that route. The last thing you wanna do is argue with a cop over whether a pocket is a holster on the side of the road. The cop almost always wins on the side of the road. ;) I've been in my car pulled over twice (sister driving my car with a lead foot:)) and each time the convo went smoothly once finding out the gun was in a holster on me.

  3. I have kids, so my gear is unchambered in the house. Besides, for home protection, IMHO a shotgun is better. Hell, just shuck the pump and everyone in the house, invited or not, has your undivided attention. And the uninvited ones usually leave with aquickness.


    If I had kids I would be unchambered at home for their safety. I can't remember the last time a kid set foot in my place.

  4. I will be riding up if the weather is nice. I got the deal with the free C1 parking pass, but they said if I ride I can park my bike @ infield parking.

    For those that don't have a room yet, I was able to get a room for 72 a night at the Raddison Carmel.. I stayed there last year and liked it alot, free internet, parking.

    That place is sold out unforunately. We have reservations but may change to another hotel.

  5. I kept mine bone dry and never had this issue. Is this a duty weapon? They can put a rush on fixing if it is.. There is an M&P web forum as well try looking around on there for an answer too.

    All else fails you could call over to the City of Columbus range here, the guys there would probably do a back flip for you to fix it hah. You would have to drive over but usually theyre more than willing to help. Just call and ask for the number to ordnance. They fixed my M&P when it had the stupid mag drop problem.

    They will do this for the general public too? If so, that's awesome.

  6. $20 serious. wtf Dude where do you goto see movies.

    I may be going out on a limb here but I think he is taking someone with him.... It's almost 20 bucks for tickets for two people... :)

  7. :lol:

    i have to say i had a hard time not motorboating the girl who was holding the handlebars....:rolleyes:

    just thought i would throw that out there...

    well we've all already shared a bed right? :dunno:

    i see no problems there.. lmao

    ftr to the tightwads: i am just kidding, dont get your panties in a bunch over a bunch of heresay, its not a cry for attention, just JOKING.. ya know, jokes, they are funny-haha but not real

    LOL. I like the disclaimer.:D

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