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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. Odd, not a lot of information about State Farm's MC insurance online, agent only... I wouldn't take the "saw it as a 1300 cc bike" from an agent though.

    It seems like they changed this recently. I have had them for three years now. This year I got my renewal and it said "supersport" and I almost shit a chicken because I thought my renewal rate was going to be through the roof. My premium actually went down a little bit. :)

  2. I think I am going to sit at home again and watch my other big ass tree fall down just like I did last year.

    LOL. I remember being in the dark around that time last year for three days or so.

  3. Wanted to introduce you to the boys.

    For work: Glock 23 (compact .40)

    And for play

    Springfield 1911 A1 (.45)

    All stock. No smoke, no mirrors. 1911 is one I used on earlier post targets.

    (disclaimer, did not have pic of my actual 1911. but mine is IDENTICAL)

    The 1911 is one nice pistol. I have been wanting to add one to the collection for a while now but keep getting sidetracked. :( One day I'll have one... :)

  4. Yah it was, my roommate was on the rifle team so he got Cherry to just sign me through it. Second quarter, freshman year, got signed past 800 people.

    I wonder if he still brings around that big piece of cherry wood.

    Nice. I was on the waitlist for at least three or four quarters IIRC.

  5. ooo.

    I had Cherry for riflery 101, he signed me in because I was friends with one of his teammembers.

    I really liked Cherry!

    I remember him. He was my instructor for Riflery class too! The waitlist was huge for that class. He's a nice guy.

  6. until you are ready to shoot dont touch the trigger. Best safety of all!!!
    24/7 one in the hole. As many have said, why carry a paper weight in your holster? Its there to protect not scare. There to illiminate the threat not intimidate the threat. There to point and shoot not rack and shoot. Always always always carry ready to go.


    Likwid you will get more comfortable with it as time goes on.

  7. I like dogs more than I like people and motorcycles. I hate Vick for what he did. F him!!!

    I'm glad he gets a second chance...everyone deserves a second chance.

    I like dogs a lot too. If I was home more I would have one. It sucked reading what was done to the dogs. I just hope he doesn't f up this second chance because I doubt he will get a third.

  8. What he did was wrong i don't think anyone will argue that but i dont think that it should ruin his career. He was sentenced (very harshly compared to other similar cases) and served his time, so why should he not be allowed to come back to the NFL if someone is willing to take him. Is it because he killed dogs or because he committed a crime in general?
    Bingo.....I don't condone his actions....But he did his time....Now he should be entitled to return to whatever "Regular" life he can.

    Thats how our system is supposed to work.

    :plus1: I agree, he did do a terrible thing. At the end of the day, he served his sentence and paid his debt to society though.

  9. i love the one's that sit outside of the reds stadium and have signs that say "at least I'm honest, need money for booze" They usually end up with the most money, but none from this guy. Once had a homeless guy in philly come up and clean my windshield and make it MORE dirty, did give him a dollar to stop touching my car. He was clearly not faking it, he had seven kinds of aids and a bag of leprosy. Felt bad for him, at least he had a business model, just needed to invest in cleaner rags/water/spit?

    Nice, honesty is the best policy. I missed this guy the two times I went to Cincy Reds games this year.

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